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  Summers POV

Madi and I were having a pillow fight.

"Remember that one girl on the bus in 5th grade that peed her pants because she drank to much water" madi asks laughing her head off.

"Hey, it was an accident " I laughed .

"Well we better get ready for school" madi says heading to my bathroom .

>>>>>>>>>>at school<<<<<<<<<<

Once are headed in everyone was looking at me and started to whisper

"Summer Hathaway , Madi Beasley , and Freddy huerta , please come to the office now" the loud speaker went off.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>in the office<<<<<<<<<<<<<

"A couple of days ago our quarter back Zack kwan was reported dead" Mrs.Mullins says.

My heart sank Zack was like my brother !

"So why are we down here?" Madi asks.

"A few students reported you guys as the killers " Mrs.Mullins says looking us down.

Tomika , Jada , and kale.

"We didn't do anything !" Freddy said.

"We don't know for sure but since they didn't have any evidence we can't blame you guys,but if you know anything about it don't be do scared to tell me,you may leave" She says .

"Well I Better get to class" madi walked off.

Just as I was about to leave Freddy pulled me into the recording studio .

"Who do you think told her that?" Freddy questions

"I doing know maybe the slut squad."

"Well we are in here alone so let's make the most of it" he says before smashing his lips onto mine.

He took  seat as I took of my shirt and my shorts and sat on his lap.

He soon took of my bra and starting sucking on my breast as I sucked on his neck.

Then the door flew open .

"AHHH" I girl yelled.

Freddy covered me up.

"Summer?!" The girl asks


"Hold up I thought you to couldn't date " she asks

I then had the flashback .


"You better back off Freddy or else" Jada says.

"Or else what your gonna give me z slutty makeover " I replied.

"No or I'm going to bale your dad out of jail" she smirked .

         Flashback ended

"Why can't we date ?" Freddy asks.

"I....I .. Can't tell you guys ."

"Yes you can" madi says.

"Jada said if i dated Freddy she would bail my dad out of jail." I cried.

Freddy and madi hugged me.

"We are here for you" they said in a union .

>>>>>>>>>end of day<<<<<<<

"Ugh you guys walk to slow " madi wined .

"Hey at least we are bein-"

"CAR" madi yelled.

I then felt being push to the ground.

"IM DYING" Freddy yelled .

It took me a minute to realize what she did.

"Your not even hurt you stupid " madi says kicking his sides a little.

"Oh" he says.

Madi just face palms .

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