Chapter 15

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Rachel's POV

I stare at him with a weird look on my face as he stands in front of me smiling, creepily might i add. His eyes have widened and lit up, as the silence continues to eat through the air between us. My mind tries to work back to what i have said and nothing seems to help my discovery. His lips open as his teeth surpress a smile. His dimples became prominent in his face at the sides of his lips, creating creases on his cheeks. It was becoming weird that he found whatever i said to be so amusing.

"what?" i asked, still trying to think of what i said but having no joy finding it.

His lips opened fully as he let out the air he was holding in with a laugh.

"You called me Harry" he replied, chuckling.

Well shit. There goes the full named title. I actually never wanted to call him Harry as i knew it annoyed the hell out of him, but it was to my enjoyment that i found it fun to do.

"well that is your name isn't it?" i replied, making my point, trying to not sound defeated at the fact that i did call him Harry.

"yes but-" i cut him off

"well what's the problem then?" still trying to sound strong and sober up my words. I could blame it on the alcohol but i knew he would catch me out on that. It also wouldn't work because it was slowly wearing off with the effects of making my mind fry and my brain unable to form a proper english sentence.

"you usually call me Harold" he has a point.

"well then it is the drink talking"

what did you just say that for, you said you wasn't going to say that. I argued with my thoughts.

"i thought you said you wasn't drunk" he spoke

see i told you he would catch me out.

"i'm not and i never said i was" i answered him. I move my head to look around trying to avoid any more of this conversation that was starting to annoy me.

"that's what you was implying" he cheekily replied, copying my words from before.

"stop it" i told him, trying to demand him to stop. Obviously knowing that he wouldn't stop.

"stop what?" he innocently asked, trying to make himself seem like he didn't know what i was talking about. I looked back to where he was standing and found him stood still with a smirk attatched to his face.

Ugh he annoys me, but he's cute. wait what?

"copying my words"

"i've not done anything" he moves forwards and comes closer to where i am sat.

he looks so nice in that shirt my thoughts speak

"you're annoying" i speak differently than my thoughts.

"so are you?" he says a loud, moving closer even more. I stand up to stop him from coming any closer and move towards him.

"well, i am 'drunk' as you say" i tell him, walking past his still figure and make my way over to his bed. He watches me as i hear him turn around behind me. I look at the bed and contemplate on whether or not i want to get back in it. I listen to my thoughts which were telling me to do so, and i climb down onto the furniture, pull back the covers and get myself comfortable among them.

"what are you doing?" he asks, as he seen me get in his bed.

I have one answer to this and it is the only simply answer i was going to give him.

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