Chapter 2

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His smirk returned to his face, dimples coming into view as he looked at me, stunned by my response.

"You were checking me out before, I saw you" he spoke, bobbing his head once.

I watched him before I thought of my comeback.

"I wasn't checking YOU out, I was checking the scenery out, you know, being new to the college an all" I finished adding a wink.

He pursed his lips as he fought the urge to smirk even more, as it got larger the more he looked at me. He pulled his beanie further over his head with his left arm. I had so many questions in my head that I wanted to ask him and apparently he had a question too

"Are you gonna let go of my arm anytime soon or?" He asked, looking down at my hand that was still attached to the crease of his arm.

"Hmm, that depends, are you gonna tell me why you just made a huge scene out there or are you just that good at drama?" Maybe it's both? Who knows? Him obviously.

He furrowed his eyebrows once the words left my mouth. oh god, here we go.

"now why would I tell you anything, you don't know me and I don't know you so here's the thing. You are going to let go of my arm and I will walk away to resolve my shit, you will turn around and walk away from me, which would be the right decision, don't you think?" he asked, his eyebrows still creased in the middle.

I let go of his arm before speaking "OK, jeez. I only asked you one question, it's not my fault you're a drama queen" I smirked before walking away, leaving him stunned. I knew that as soon as I said that it would tick him off but hey i'm not gonna see him again so why not have a little fun with the guy.

I walked down the entrance of the college happy with my answer that I gave him. Who knew I could have a little attitude in me. I opened up my car door that I parked just in a parking lot in the college and hopped inside. They have a parking lot for students, how cool is that. I put my phone on the seat next to me as i turned on the engine. I took the hand break off and got ready to reverse out of the space that I was in. I looked behind me to check it was clear only to be caught looking at the same smirking boy standing behind my car.

He placed his hands on the rear of my car, obviously not wanting me to move just yet. I put the hand break back on and turned the car engine off. I opened the door and stood out making myself visible for him to see me.

"I was trying to reverse out of here if you didn't already see before you stood behind the rear of my car" I told him, with a little anger in voice.

"Can you move already?" I asked him.

He just stared at me. What is wrong with him and staring?. Is there something wrong with him? He took his hands off my car and started moving towards me. He was at least a foot taller than me which made me have to look up to him if he spoke to me. I bet he thought it would intimidate me. He thought wrong. He looked down on me, his smirk returning to his face. He moved his hand towards my face before placing it on my cheek. oh hell no.

I moved backwards away from him as he chuckled lowly. He dropped his hand to his side and then opened his mouth to speak.

"I live a few blocks down this road, i'll tell you where when we get closer" he told me, making his way to the passenger seat of my car. Why didn't i lock it when i got out. "Are you gonna get in?" he asked as if i was getting a lift from him.

I huffed and got into the car. The ride was silent and nothing was happening besides the radio that filled the awkwardness that lingered in this small space between us. As we came to a stop at traffic lights i took a glance at him through the corner of my eye to see that he was already looking at me. Has he been doing this the entire time? I diverted my eyes back onto the road just as the lights changed and carried on driving to this 'destination' that was his place.

I still don't know his name. oh.

"Next left" a voice spoke, obviously from the boy next to me.

As i drove up the road that i was directed on, my eyes fell on the houses that i was passing by. They were huge. How did he live here? i mean it looks so posh and he looks so, not.

"That one" he pointed towards the house that was at the very top of the street with a glass porch on the outside of the front door. wow.

I parked up against the curb as he undid his seat belt, ready to get out. He put his hand onto the door handle before i reached to the lock that would keep him in his place.

"You still never told me the reason behind that scene before" i told him.

"well i'm not going to tell you so" he replied, moving uncomfortably in the chair he was sat in.
Why was he being such a dick?

"How do you live here? its so nice and posh, and you don't exactly fit into that description. No offence" he chuckled.

"Non taken. And i live here with my mates, that is all you're getting from me. Now let me out of the car" he spoke more sternly. Jeez, mood swing much.

"Are you not going to say thank you for driving you home?" i raised my eyebrows. Why was i expecting him to say it the first place? He obviously is not going to say it. I heard his chuckle beside me once more but then he cut it off straight after. His voice returning

"No, let me out of the car princess." i scoffed. I unlocked the doors as he opened it and slid out of the seat

"By the way, your phone was not comfortable to sit on" i scoffed again leaving him chuckling as he walked away from the car. I put the window down before speaking to him.

"You're a jerk you know that right" i made my voice clear.

He stopped walking and turned around with his smirk plastered onto that annoying face of his. His figure stood straight as he leaned forward to see me in the car.

"I've been told, but that won't stop me being one. What's your name anyway?" he pestered.

Do i tell him and risk it being spread around so that everyone knows who i am, or do i not tell him and keep him quessing? the second option would be the best but then he would probably come up with some stupid nickname that he wouldn't even use my real name even if i told him it. ugh. Decisions.

"Do I or do I not tell you?" I teased making him furrow his eyebrows as he pursed his lips.

"The first option would be the best, princess" he assured me, already having a nickname I see.

"How about no, i'll keep you guessing, thanks for the advice on the question though" I winked starting the engine to my car. He quickly walked up to my window before i drove off and leaned down to my eye level. I wondered what he was going to do?, this was close proximity.
What did he want to achieve here?

"I'll see you after the summer princess" he spoke into my ear that his lips touched barely, causing a shiver to reach my spine. I thought he was done and he would leave me alone by this point but no, he had other ideas. He pressed his lips to the middle of my cheek before turning to the front door of the house i was still parked outside of.

"See you later Jerk" i shouted just so he could hear it. Apparently he did. Unless he turned around to wave to me or say goodbye politely but that was definitely not the case.

// • • • • • //
Hiii there.

If you could, please can you vote and comment on this so far, tell me what you think, get the word out that i am writing a Harry Styles story it would be great. Thank you if you do, means alot. Hope you liked this chapter.

[if you see any mistakes please Kindly let me know, thank you]

Cheerio. X

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