Chapter 22 - Part 1

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Rachel's POV

It's finally here!!
The day has finally arrived that we perform the script to the school. An actual audience that will judge us and watch what we have created, whether it fails or succeeds, basically it's up to us. Our grade also depends on this script. If the audience get a reaction out of the play, then our grade gets boosted up. That is what I am hoping for.

I get up at 6:30am to start my day, doing the normal every day routine, you know how that goes, and went downstairs to eat breakfast. We had to arrive at school earlier today, as we had to make sure the final preparations are all in order. To make sure everyone in the class has arrived to class, not feeling any last minute nerves and dropped out. We have to be rehearsing all day, for the night that starts at 5:40pm.

It's going to be a very long night.

Harry's POV

It's finally here.
The day has finally arrived. The day of the script might I add, and the words that started before this sentence was me enthusiastically saying them in my head. It would be an understatement to say the least if i wasn't feeling nervous at all.

I mean, performing in front of a crowd that can judge you straight away before you've even started your performance, how daunting does that sound?! Don't get me wrong, I'm not a shy person, I just didn't want to do drama in the first place, we've been over this before.

Before I set off to the hellhole that is making me swallow my nerves, I overthink about what is going to happen tonight. Wondering whether everyone's script will go according to plan, if the costumes, lighting and scene goes rightly... but most importantly, I'm thinking about what I will say, I have to say it. Who cares if it's in front of a crowd, that I could make myself look like a fucking idiot in front of.
I don't have to say it, I need to say it.

Rachel's POV

It Is half way through the day, me and harry have been rehearsing non stop and we are now currently in the drama studio, helping set up the chairs for the audience. Other members of the class have been selling some tickets to see the show in the front of the office, people of any class can watch and also parents as long as they have a ticket.

"How are you feeling right now?" I whispered, nudging harry on his side, making him flinch.

He's been in such a little bubble to himself the past couple of days, that I never know what to say to him without making him jump or flinch.

"Huh" he spoke, looking around confusingly.

I smiled at him and repeated what I said. "I asked how are you feeling right now?" moving a chair, making it in line with the others on the row.

"Oh, I'm alright" he babbled.

Definitely not alright.

I sigh and leave the chair in my hands alone, move up next to him and sit down, motioning for him to do the same. I need to find out what's wrong with him. It's strange for him to be so quiet.

"Hey, everything's going to be great. we're not first on so its ok, we still have time to rehearse even though you definitely know your words, believe in yourself ok" I told him, every word being true.

"I know" he grunted.
"thanks princess" he smiled.

Harry's POV

It's now 5:43pm, the show has started. everyone is seated and ready with a little brochure that was on their chair telling them who the people where and when they were on. The stage was set up and everyone was fussing about behind it. The first couple to act out their script had just gone on and Keelie was introducing the whole thing.

I peered out from behind the curtain and seen the audience. It looked fully seated with parents and other college students. Quite a lot of people where here basically. I'm shaking and sweating and I think my nerves are shot.

Rachel's POV

Two hours have passed and me and harry are on next. We are currently waiting behind the stage whilst everyone returns back to the seats after the little break they had. Some people had left after they seem who they wanted to so now it meant less eyes watching us. At least that's a good thing.

"Are you ready?, we've got this ok" I breathed out heavily and smiled in Harry's direction.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be princess" he smiled back, placing his arm around my shoulder as we walked around the curtain towards the stage.

A/n Hellooo :)
I've split the last chapter into two parts, hopefully you will enjoy this.. please comment and vote, it means a lot ~ Thank you <3

Sorry for any typos.

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