lunch is lonely

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So far today only sorta sucks. Orchestra was fun, everything else sucked.

In orchestra (since I'm stuck in bEgInNiNg OrChEsTrA) we're learning how to hold the bow. ;-; I was given a free donut by my orchestra teaser, so that makes up for it. My teacher also tells a lot of funny stories/jokes so. Idk, I like him. He's cool. I dislike a majority of my teachers lol.

I'm currently dying in lunch because I have no friends and the library is closed and eVeRy TaBlE iS fUlL. I actually decided to eat the gross cafeteria food and it tastes awful. 😅

Only three more period to go. Woooooo.

I don't even have service right now, so I can't publish this till later. ;-;-;-;

I hate schooooooool.

I got this new avengers backpack and chem friend was judging me for it. ( ̄∇ ̄) She said she was more of a D.C. person. She also asked who my favorite superhero was and said my answer didn't matter because she's going to judge me anyway. ;-;

There's this HOW TO BE A SUPERHERO poster in the cafeteria and the things it says are stupid. "Raise your hand to speak." Does Thor raise his hand to speak? No. "Say please & thank you." Does Tony Stark says please and thank you? No... maybe occasionally. "Follow directions." Does Deadpool follow directions? No. "Be a team player." "Listen when someone is speaking." Does Draxx listen when someone is speaking? Sometimes, yeah. "Be kind and helpful." Is Rocket kind and helpful? No. He's an asshole. He even called himself an asshole. I mean, he can be helpful. Still an asshole tho (I like rocket don't hate on me memeosupremo).

Why am I hating on a stupid poster? I don't know. I'm bored out of my mind. I can't do anything on my phone because I dOn'T hAvE sErViCe. I hate the cafeteria. It sucks. ;-;

I just had to walk up five flights of stairs and I'm dying ugh. ;-;-;-;-;-;

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