So I've ranted about this to a couple of my friends already, but I'm ranting again because why not.
School is stupid and I hate it.
You're only allowed to go to your locker before school, during lunch, and after school which is dumb (I used to go to my locker like every other period because I'm too lazy to carry aLl My BiNdErS).
You can't use your phones before school in the cafeteria, in the hallway, during lunch, in the classroom, or at all really. As soon as you enter the fluffing building you can't use it.
They call periods bands??? Why??? Just call it a period??????
They call schedules programs???
ThE bElL rInGs 5 MiNuTeS bEfOrE yOu'Re DisSmIsSeD aNd InStEaD oF rInGiNg ThE bElL aGaIn ThEy PlAy VERY QUIET cLaSsIcaL mUsIc.
There's six goddamned floors and instead of having like one class on the third floor and the next on the second I have one class on the sIXTH FLOOR AND THE NEXT ON THE FIRST.
I don't even know what locker is mine, my homeroom teacher just kind of told us but I forgot it very quickly.
I have chemistry lab period 0 (and only on Wednesdays), but chemistry period 5?????
I had an anxiety attack before school yesterday and a breakdown after :D (I overreact a lot shush stop judging me).
I have to audition to get taken out of beginning orchestra and put into advanced or symphonic orchestra. ;-; I've been playing for three years why am I in beginning orchestra in the first place. ;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;
I'm not even supposed to be in my phone right now lol.
YoU'rE nOt AlLoWeD tO sHoW sHoUlDeRs Or WeAr ShOrTs ShOrTeR tHaN uP tO yOuR kNeEs. <---because shoulders are just oh so scandalous *sarcasm*
I sorta made a friend in chemistry and homeroom but we didn't talk much so I don't really know. Chemistry girl just sorta told me stuff about the school. She gave me her email though, so uh yeah.
I don't have gym until the second semester, but when I do start having gym it's going to be everyday. ;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;
Seriously why do they call periods bands????? What does a period have to do with band???? It makes no sense???????????????
I'm freezing even tho I'm wearing long sleeves and long pants ;-;
They have these "fun projects" that they call collaterals that you have to do for every class. Even math. HoW dO yOu Do A pRoJeCt FoR mAtH?
We're not reading any Shakespeare in English. :(
No one else really has dyed hair or wears all black so I feel weird....
The only class I really liked was Latin (my chem teacher was absent, so I don't know if I like that class yet). I thought I would at least like English, but I don't like the teacher very much.
If you're absent instead of calling in sick like a normal school you have to have your parent write a note and then you get every teacher to sign it when you come back and give it to the attendance office?????
If you're absent you can't like come in the next day and ask for the work you missed? You have to make it up while your absent or else you get a missing homework??? It's due the day you get back??????
I don't think I've ever used so many question marks. Or walked up sO mAnY sTaIrS.
I don't even know if I'm going to be late to my class or not because I cAN'T HEAR THE MUSIC.
I told myself I'd at least make an effort to make friends, but here I am. Sitting alone in an auditorium writing this on my phone. One kid is on his DS lol.
I wasn't even on like three of my teachers' attendance sheets.
The lunch tastes gross, but then again what do you expect from a public school.
That's all I can think of for now, school is starting soon, so yeah. Time to go die. ;-;
I'm Pathetic Trash
CasualeI have no clue why you're reading this, but if you are then enjoy Started: September 19, 2016 Completed: June 6, 2018