Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Annabeth’s POV

Annabeth was frazzled. No, she was heartbroken. Angry? Definitely.  Stressed, for sure.  She had been an emotional roller-coaster for the past couple months, what with the war, Percy’s disappearance and the possibilities that he could be dead, have completely forgotten her, or worse, him having another girlfriend. She definitely didn’t want herself, Percy and another Roman girl to be in a Jason, Piper and Reyna mess. Jason had let it slip that he had a tight relationship with someone else back at Camp Jupiter, and he couldn’t remember their status. Ever since, he’d been avoiding Piper and any awkward “feelings” conversations. The only thing they’d talked about all together since he regained his memory of Reyna, was just battle tactics and their approach on Camp Jupiter. Annabeth sighed and glanced at her watch. “Eeep!” she yelped. It was twenty minutes since Leo announced that they’d be arriving. That meant she had fifteen minutes to get ready for Percy. Annabeth had to take a shower which wouldn’t leave her enough time to change and fix her hair. Percy thought her hair was curled like a princess’ naturally, and said he only liked her hair that way. Stupid kelp head. Of course she did have natural curls, but she still needed a double dose of hairspray, gel and a high quality comb to avoid an afro-like do. She would need help. Annabeth couldn’t ask Piper for a hand since she was busy with Leo and the other girls in Athena’s cabin didn’t know anything about applying beauty products. Annabeth wished yet again that Thalia’s hunters had agreed to come along on the Argo II with the rest of the camp. They had tried staying at camp for a couple of “test” days, but it was just argument after argument with the rest of the campers. Annabeth gulped as she realized her only other option; the Aphrodite cabin.


“Ouch! Watch it, or I’ll just ask Iris’ cabin to beautify me,” Annabeth complained as the Aphrodite girls tweaked and pulled every strand of hair sticking out of her head.

“Ooo, Annabeth we’re going make you so pretty,” a girl named Chloe murmured dreamily while handing Drew the curling iron.

“Yeah, Percy’s going to drop dead ‘cause you’re so drop-dead gorgeous,” Lacy gushed. Annabeth blushed and swatted away her hand bearing hot pink lipstick.

“I want to look natural. No makeup.”

“Aw, sweetie, can I just put some cover-up? You don’t really have the best complexion, Hon,” Drew said glancing up from Annabeth’s rat’s nest. Annabeth scowled at her stylist. Best complexion, huh. Well you don’t exactly have the best IQ.

“Well, Percy likes me that way, so,” Annabeth fretted to come up with an answer. “So-so just leave my face the way it is.” Though Annabeth wasn’t a very good example; her face was turning beet red.

“Alright, Honey, if you say so."

Annabeth squirmed in her seat, the ADHD inside her was acting up. As soon as the girls squeaked “Finished!” spun around her chair, Annabeth shot right out of her seat and ran up to the mirror, inspecting every curl. She wasn’t usually the type of girl who got flustered over every blemish on her head, but this was an exception – she was going to see Percy.

"You know, maybe this is a bit too fancy," Annabeth wondered out loud.

“Annabeth!" the Aphrodite cabin gasped. "Your hair is perfect, obviously. We are the ones who styled it." Annabeth just rolled her eyes because she knew they weren't being sarcastic.

"Alright, I think I'll be okay. I'll just go check up on how Piper is dealing with Leo." She headed toward towards the door and had just entered the hallway when Lacy called after her "Just don't get too stressed- stress can evoke acne and you really don't need that."

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