Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

The reunion - Part One

Annabeth's POV

Jason and Annabeth were just about to address the camp before exiting the ship, when Piper and Leo came running up. They joined the bustling camp in their whispers, predicting what the "leaders" would say next. The plan was that Annabeth and Jason would go out first, and then when they were sure it was safe, the rest of the camp would follow, starting with the rest of the prophecy of seven, then Percy's closest friends, in case his memory hadn't completely come back yet, and he still needed to be reminded of his former camp. Annabeth prayed to all the gods, Roman and Greek alike, that Percy remembered her, and he was safe. She would never be able to live without her seaweed brain, but of course she'd never tell him that.

Annabeth and Jason slowly managed to calm everyone down. "Now look guys," Jason started strongly. "There will be no stealing, picking fights, injuring or flirting," -he cast a quick glance at Leo- "with the Romans understood?"

"Yeah," the crowd chanted glumly. Though Leo threw his hands in the air.

"No flirting? What is this, military camp?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Jason replied solemnly. Then Annabeth cut in.

"Also remember, we are trying to end a war not start one." She glared straight at the Ares cabin.

"And we have discussed this part many times. If all goes well, me and Annabeth-"

"Actually it's Annabeth and I," Annabeth quickly corrected.

"Thanks... OK! So we will go out first then when everything is settled we'll call out Piper and Leo," Jason said. Annabeth caught Piper staring at him dreamily and him blushing and quickly trying to hide it. She smiled to herself, Something happened between them, I need to get the details from Piper.

"We'll introduce them, and then will have all Percy's close friends come to the front just in case he hasn't gotten his memory completely back yet maybe we can refresh it." Annabeth silently freaked out. Oh my gods shut up, Jason. Why does everyone keep reminding me that he might have another girlfriend? Annabeth returned to reality. It was her turn to speak. "Alright everyone, no matter what happens out there, we need to stay strong," she said, though most campers knew that she was mostly reassuring herself.

"We can do this. Ready?"

"Ready!" everyone replied.

"Alright, here goes nothing," Annabeth mumbled to herself and turned around as the door slowly creaked open. She stared in awe at the hundreds of people standing before her, all wearing purple shirts and creamy white togas. Annabeth was about to step forward when she was thrown aside.

"I, Jason Grace, have returned!" Annabeth wouldn't have minded if Jason had said that, but it was Leo's voice! Oh Styx! He just ruined everything! There were audible gasps from the group of Romans below. They stared at the short boy with the impish grin, and Annabeth knew they were completely confused and on the verge of putting a bullet through each of their heads. She heard a girl in a purple toga say "Huh?" Oh Hades Leo! You just started a war! But thank gods, Jason quickly stumbled up and hissed at Leo "Not funny man!"

Jason addressed straightened his posture and addressed the Romans.

"I am Jason Grace, Praetor of the twelfth legion-" Annabeth noticed the purple toga girl turning bright red- "and I have returned to my home with an army to defeat our enemies together." There was only silence, as the crowd parted to reveal the only person that could call Annabeth "Wise Girl" without getting a punch in the face. It was the greatest hero that ever lived. My seaweed brain...Wearing a toga?

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