Blacking out :P

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It would be a perfect moment for me to tell you that you guys are awesome for reading this book :) .I know you are reading this book and i don't want want you to be a ghost reader please response comment and vote ^_^. I want you to have fun ~°~



                       I was so disturbed that I walked of my own between the streets, didn’t see the car coming as i was in my lala world .I stood with no hopes, no destiny and didn’t actually had a reason for life. I felt useless and unwanted.So the car crashed with me. I was thrown on the other side of the street.I moved my hand to my head which i suppose was bleeding Then everything went blur, black everywhere I asked myself ,Was this the end? Am I dead?Is this the end Katy? I asked myself

:''It should be the end.can't bear being left alone.can't bear loneliness and bad fortune please god take me with you that's all want from you'':innervoice

.                      May be god was not happy with that at all so he saved me again or else I would be with him walking straight through the doors heaven. The car stopped.I was motionless this pain was nothing compared to the troubles I been through my whole life .My dad died of brain tumor when I was 5 and my mom couldn’t bear the loss of her love so she drank away all her pain with wine and overdosed drugs .I was orphaned that very day when my dad passed away. My granny looked after me from that day. I could never know what it felt to be loved by parents. Now for me my dad and my mom is my granny .I didn’t ever wanted to leave her alone. I was so selfish to run away from her. I had always hated mom to act so stupid and weak. I don’t want to be her next part. I have to be strong and independent.

           I blacked out .


                         Sun rose to wake me up in the stranger room with blue ceiling and white curtains like cloud to the big windows. I tried to get up of my own but my head hurted like a hell. I touched my overhead and felt something, it was bandaged. I rounded my eyes everywhere to the room. I saw a big family photo and a big wardrobe with biggest dressing mirror. The family picture had a beautiful lady in her 20's with average white tone skin and dimples on her cheeks with beautiful creme gown and man on his 30's brown hair,white tone in his manly suit with a beautiful boy in suite with playful grey eyes and short blonde hair on his left side.The place was totally strange to me. Slowly I moved and got out of the bed. I was wearing a loose dress which wasn't mine.Who changed my dress ?I was scared who were the people to bring me here and what they want from me.

                         " So are you fine now? Does your head still hurts ? "asked an old lady inspecting my forehead. She was in a unform like those in movies the house maids would wear and had fair skin ,emerald eyes,peachy lips, wrinkled face but a sweet voice.She was there with juice and butter toast for me.

                        " I feel fine. Where am I ?"I asked looking confused and inspecting out of the window to find nature beautiful.There were no house around only greenery,hills and lake was i could see.

                      “you are miles away from your city.we are in Perrie Manson and you will be here until you are alright”

                      “I have to leave,my granny would be worried” I replied in ghostly pale voice.I was afraid to be living with the people i didn't know what are they trying to do with me, what if they sold me for living as prostitute but the house was big seems like rich people so what if they try to do something wrong with me as i m stucked between nowhere in this middle of someone's farmhouse even if they kill me nobody would ever know. What am i going to do now ?

                         " you can make a call to her and ask her not to worry"                                                                           Great idea i thought to myself and ran to the phone placed on the right side of the bed.Then I realized I didn't remember Granny's number it probably was in my iPhone.I jumped at the spot   "Do you know mam where my iPhone is?"

                The lady replied "oh !you can call me Mrs Johnson honey.The time they found you you were out of your mind not letting them to help you.You were mumbling something about your parents and granny.They actually thought you were on drugs as soon as you passed out so they brought you back to the mansion." 

             "What I Am not on drugs and how could they hear my private thoughts." i yelled intrupting her.   what wrong with the world                                                                                                                                                "Anyway who they are and where my fucking iphone is?"                                                                               Her facial expression didn't changed "They are Mr Perrie and his son Larry.They said your iphone got damage when you got crashed with their car and they have given it for repair it will come till tommorow .What were you thinking when you got crashed you have long life to live miss"                             " Umm, call me katy and its nothing Mrs Johnson. I feel fine and i want to leave thank you for everything "I got up searched for my clothes it was nowhere to be found                                             " Where are my clothes Mrs Johnson?"I tried to be polite this time.                                                              "It was stained with the blood so i have to do dry cleaning till then at least stay then we will ask our driver to drop you and get your address so we can drop you iphone when it will get repaired "                      I noded as there was choice than to believe on them and stay for sometime

Writer note : this may have been a boaring chapter for you guys but I promise next would be the most awesome chapter as someone is going to be there soon for Katy and here comes the ice princess soon :)

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