Chapter 4

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My eyes fluttered open and my heart pounded. Where was I? I glanced around frantically and then remembered that I fell alseep on Siwon's back. I saw that my foot was propped up and wrapped in a cooling pack and the swelling was going down. I sighed deeply as I tried to shift to a comfortable position on the small couch. Sitting up, I took a pillow and decided to put my foot up on the coffee table. I noticed that Siwon had laid out water and some pain medication for me.

Wow. This man is really kind. My heart fluttered with a warm feeling as I remembered what he said earlier.

"There is something about you...that I feel like I need to do everything I can to help you...." I smiled and leaned back, resting my head on the soft cushion.

"You're awake."  A voice said. I jumped, startled. Siwon walked in with a bright smile. 

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Feeling better?" He asked, walking into the nearby kitchen and getting another bag of ice for me.

"The swelling has gone down a lot." I said, feeling comfortable. Normally, I don't talk at all. Sometimes my father would get annoyed at my voice and just hit me to shut me up. That was normally when he was drunk. I shook those memories away and focused on Siwon. He sat down and carefully replaced the ice.

"That's good. I was going to take you to the doctors right away, but you fell asleep." He said. I noticed that he had changed clothes and his hair was wet. That reminded me that I probably needed to take a shower.

"Um..."  I didn't know if I should take a shower in a strangers house. "Do you think I could take a shower." I said awkwardly. Siwon nodded and laughed.

"I dont know if I would have any hair products that you would use, but I can buy you some if you want." 

"No it's okay, I have some money." I said naturally, pointing to my bag. 

Shoot. I shouldn't have said that.

"Really," Siwon said slowly. "So are you planning to use me to pay for your doctors appointment?" He joked, smiling at me. 

"No, its a long story." I said, feeling embarrassed, "I-I can pay for the appointment." I said, stuttered.

"Christina, I'm joking." He said warmly. "I don't care how much money you have or not." He smiled, gazing at my face. I turned away, feeling self conscious. Inwardly I let out a sigh of relief. I'm used to my father getting mad over the tiniest thing, so I didn't know how Siwon would react.

"I'm going to go shopping for you, would you care to write down things you need?" Siwon asked. I nodded.

"Sure," I said smiling. I struggled to lean over an grab my backpack, taking out fifty dollars.

"This is all I have," I told him, handing him the money. I wrote down a couple of necessities and handed him the list.

"I wish I could go with you." I said, looking out the window wistfully. "I've stayed inside pretty much half of my life." Oops, probably shouldn't have said that either. Siwon shook his head regretfully but didn't seem to notice.

"You really shouldn't walk. You can get crutches when you go to the doctors." He told me sternly. Something about this told me that he would make a wonderful father someday. Siwon headed out the door. I saw my fifty dollars laying on the coffee table.

"Siwon, wait, my money!" I yelled as the door slammed shut.

"I'll pay, don't worry." I heard him yell back as the door locked. I sighed, leaning back on the couch. So he forgot it on purpose. Can nothing stop him from being so nice? Smiling, I laid back down closed  my eyes.

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