Chapter four

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Rose POV

"I'm going to bed." I called from the top of the stairs. I didn't hear a reply so I called down again. I still didn't get a response. I decided I should see if Ace is ok.
"Ace? Are you okay?" I questioned, sliding down the banister with my crutches in one hand, as the doctors told me I need to stay off my foot as much as possible but if I insist on walking I have to use crutches. Ace wasn't very happy about it but he didn't interrogate me as much as usual. I'm not complaining! It's just that it's not...normal...Well for him anyway.
I pulled myself off the banister and hopped to the living room.
"Oi, bro!" I yelled entering the living room. I was speechless when I saw Ace crying. He had his headphones in and he was staring at a picture of a man and women stood next to a little girl and older looking boy. When I looked closer the girl and boy looked like me and Ace! I can't remember what my parents look like and Ace kept all of them hidden. This is also the first time I've seen him cry.
"Mum...Dad..." Ace began still not noticing me standing only meters away.
"What am I going to do? No matter how hard I try to protect her, no matter what rules I put in place she still isn't safe. I know what happened today but she nor her friend told me even when I asked. They attacked her again! How the hell am I supposed to stop it?!? I can't go to the police they will take her away from me! What am I going to do?!? What-what am I going to do... I'm useless... Why? Why did you have to leave?!? I can't do this on my own! I can't protect! I am not a superhero." Ace curled up into a ball and continued to sob. My heart throbbed and guilt rushed over me like a tidal wave. Tears began to escape my eyes. I couldn't believe he has kept this all to himself for so long. It breaks my heart. I reached out my hand to tap him on the shoulder but he looked around rubbing his eyes. He quickly stood up and hugged me tightly, not saying a word. I hugged him back and started to cry.
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." I repeated over and over again as he stroked my hair. After a few minutes Ace piped up.
"Rose, I love you. I can't lose you like I lost mum and dad. I'm sorry I'm so protective all the time. I'm sorry. I don't know how to keep you safe anymore. I'm sorry." I felt tears start to drip onto my face and clothes.
"I love you too, Ace. We can figure this out. I promise."

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter and for the very very slow update. If you want to know why just read my bio. I will try to get the next chapter out a lot sooner but I'm not going to make any promises. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. See you guys soon,

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