The woods play nasty tricks

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Turning to face the new school was to attend I could feel the nervous in me taking over I was petrified I didn't do well with crowds and now I'm expected to go into a school with loads of people I didn't know this was like my worst nightmare.
Finally after a few long moments of just glaring at the school I entered the gates quickly walked up the steps and through the massive doors and passed all the other people littering the halls in search of the principles office.
"Eh hi...em I'm looking for the Principle" I asked shyly to the lady at the front desk.
She frowned at me then rudely replied "one moment" she then stood and knocked on the door directly behind her desk which was answered by an older looking man who smiled warmly at me.
"Ah coming in coming in" he singled me with his hand and closed the door behind me.
"Abigail Grey i take it" he said whilst seating himself at the desk in front of me.
All I could do was pathetically nod at his question to shy to respond verbally.
"Good I spoke with your mother on the phone last week and we sorted out your class time table" he said as he pulled out a yellow folder and handed it to me.
"This is your time table and course work don't lose it" he chuckled and I tried to laugh with him.
"Thankyou sir" I mumbled and stood to my feet.
"Now off with you your first class is maths am I right ? Well if you go up the stairs to the second floor the department is there" he smiled as I left.
Just as I closed the door to his office I heard him call to me something about if I have any troubles just come to him.
Yeah right like i would have the confidence to go talk to the principle.
I finally found my classroom and knocked quietly on the door my head lowered as the teacher open it.
"Oh you must be Abi our new student" she said her tone was warm and welcoming.
"Aww my dear no need to be shy we won't bite" she chuckled and I forced a smile finally looking up which I wish I hadn't because all I could see was so many judgmental eyes glaring at me like I was some sort of caged animal.
I took a step back but was pulled back into the classroom by the teacher. "Now my dear please take a seat please and we can get started" she then left me standing at the front of the class I looked up and all I could see was one seat sitting at the back of the classroom so I walked up to it each and every student still watching me as I did.
As I sat down beside some boy who's face was covered by a hood I heard one girl gasp as if what I had done was forbidden.
All I'd bloody done was sit down!

After I'd pulled my notebook out and looked up nobody was looking at me anymore which was a huge relief.
I really wanted to turn and say hi to whoever it was I had ended up sitting beside but my nerves got the better of me as usual so I didn't I just continued to listen to the teacher.
Almost twenty minutes into the lesson and three pages of scribbled note taking I noticed the boy beside he had taken down his hood and was sitting glaring at his phone under the desk.
I stole a quick glance at him and god was he good looking. His brown hair was styled into a quiff and it looked so soft and shinny. His side profile was perfect his cheek bones were so defined they almost looked sharp his eyes a dark shade of green and his lips in a sexy pout.
This boy was hot I wasn't even going to attempt to deny it but it didn't even matter because it wasn't like I was going to ever talk to him.
I didn't look at him again because i knew if I did I would end up staring but I could see from the Corner of my eye he wasn't paying the slightest bit of a attention to the teacher at all.
He just didn't seem to care.
Finally the period came to an end and the second the bell went so did the boy sat beside me he was up and out of his chair even before I registered the bell had even gone.
I couldn't help but watch him greet some guy at the front of the class with a slap to the back as they left out the door.
Why did this even shock me of course he'd have friends he's a student here probably not a loser like I am I thought to myself.
Picking up my bag I was almost out the classroom door when I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Hello" I heard a girls voice say. I turned to see where the voice had came from which turned out to be a girl about a foot taller than me with ginger hair and a pretty smile.
"It's nice to meet you I'm Megan but everyone calls me Meg" she giggle with a smile.
"Eh I'm Abi" I responded shyly.
"Hiya don't get shy I've been that new kid before I know the feeling" she assured me which actually did make me feel a little better so I offered her a smile which she returned.
"Sooooo what class do you have next then Abi" she asked as we walked down the hall.
"Eh I have a study class with Mr Peterson" I told her checking my time table to make sure I was correct.
"Oh same as me look you can sit beside me and then at lunch I can introduce you to my friends. Doesn't that sound fun ?" God this girl was bubbly but she was nice so I wasn't complaining.
"I'd like that" I told her following her to my next class.

Our study class went by pretty quickly Meg told me a little about the school and the teachers I had on my time table but nothing that was of any meaning.
Once the bell ran Meg and I entered the halls which flooded with people pushing to get to the lunch hall.
Meg lead me to a table that was already occupied by two other girls and three boys all talking to each other and giggling.
"Hi guys I would like you to meet my new friend Abi" Meg introduced me whilst pulling me down to sit beside her.
"Hi" was the response from everyone but one girl who sat across from me.
"Your the new girl in my maths class oh my god your the girl who sat beside River Black god your one brave girl" she whispered.
I just blankly gazed in her direction.
"River tall dark and handsome" Meg said nudging me as I blushed.
"Oh yeah she remembers look at them cheeks" the other girl called with a smile.
Just as I was about to defend my blush I saw the man himself glare at me from across the room.
He was sat at the middle of a table filled with people a girl sitting on each side of him and a bottle blonde perched on his lap.
I squirmed under his gaze feeling very uncomfortable it's as if he'd heard us talking about him but that was impossible we were far to far away for him to hear what we said.

I pulled my eyes away from his heavy and intimidating gaze to hear Meg continuing to talk about River Black.
"Yeah he's hot Lille but he's a total bad boy way to mysterious for me you never know he could be some mental crazy psychopath for all we know" she giggled.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of teachers telling me to take a seat and people looking at me oddly.
Finally the end of school bell rang and I was free !
Walking the short distance the the edge of the woods towards my grandmas house I pulled out my phone and connected my headphones.
It was still light outside so i had no trouble walking through the woods alone.
Music blared in my ears as I took quick steps along the old forest road taking in the beauty of the outdoors as I did.
Suddenly my music cut of which caused me to stop and take my phone out.
"Great" I mumbled noticing my phone had ran out of battery so I stuffed it back into the pocket of my red hoodie and began walking again.

The feeling off uneasiness took over my body it felt as if I was being watched. I picked up speed as I noticed the sun was going down but I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me from within the trees.
Suddenly I heard it a sound like i had never heard before it was so loud that I just took of ran the short distance I had left to my Grandmothers house.
I heard the sound again and this time I was positive it was a growl and a deep frightening one.
I could see my grandmothers house and there she was standing on the porch awaiting my arrive.
I ran up her porch steps and tackled her into my arms.
"Abi what is it ? what's wrong ?" She softly asked me.
"I was followed someone was watching me Grandma" I mumbled into her shoulder.
"Oh no no no dear these woods play horrible tricks on the mind" she soothed but her voice had something else to it something darker I felt but I brushed it off.
I watched as my grandma look out into the woods and then push me inside with a smile as if nothing had happened.

Sooooooo it's not great I know but what do you think of River ?
(God I have weird original names don't I Shadow , Blade , River haha)
Was Abi followed or is it the woods playing tricks ?
Any ideas on what you think will happen?
What does the granny know that she's hiding ? Who can take a guess ?
Let me know what you think
If you like it I will continue
Love and kisses
Comment and vote xxxx

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