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...When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather; for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather today; for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? (Matthew 16:2-3).

If you are driving down the road and see a sign reading: "BRIDGE OUT AHEAD – LAST EXIT," what would you do? Would you continue driving toward the bridge, and act like nothing is wrong? No. Most people, at least the sane ones, would get off at the exit and find an alternate route. They would put their faith in that man-made sign and trust that the bridge is indeed out.

When you wake up in the morning and see storm clouds covering the sky, and hear a weather report predicting rain, wouldn't you make sure you took the umbrella with you when going out? Most people would. They would put their faith in the signs of nature, and trust that there was a good chance of rain.

We trust the signs of man and nature over and over again every day, and sometimes that trust can save our physical lives. But, when the signs relate to our spiritual lives, and the threat of eternal damnation, most of us scoff and ignore them, and refuse to give them any credence. They are fortified by a myriad of excuses: we don't want to be castigated by our friends; we don't want to change our lifestyle; we'll have time to deal with it tomorrow; we can control our own lives; and, besides, believing in God is just a crutch for the weak – isn't it?

But there is plenty of evidence that the spiritual signs are every bit as real as the physical ones, and the stakes are much, much higher. This book is written to share that proof, so that you will consider your eternal destiny, and look at all the evidence that the Bible and its prophecies provide.


Some of the prophetic signs that indicate we are in the last days:

1. The rise of Islam

2. False prophets

3. Wars and rumors of wars

4. Earthquakes, famines, and pestilence

5. Development of nuclear weapons

6. The world will move toward a one-world government

7. The world will move toward a one-world religion

8. Jews will flock to Israel from all over the world

9. Increase in travel

10. Knowledge and technology will be greatly increased

11. Images can be seen by all around the world

12. Homosexuality is accepted as normal, and there is hatred of anyone who disagrees

13. Christians will be persecuted

14. Money will become extinct

15. People will have an implantable chip that will access finances

Do any of these signs sound familiar? If not, you're paying little attention to the world around you. All these, and many more prophecies of the end times, are found in the Bible.

We live in a very unique time, a period of history where the preparations for the final prophecies of the Bible are in place. It is my belief, based on prophetic Scripture, that my generation could very well be the one to witness the second coming of Christ.

Could I be wrong? Certainly, but never before in the history of mankind have we been in a position to see all the remaining prophecies fulfilled. Those who understand the end time prophecies can pick up any newspaper, or read any online news site, and see theses prophecies unfolding before our eyes at a dizzying pace.

This is a book about biblical prophecies - some that have been fulfilled, some that are unfolding today in the light of current world events, and some that are soon to come. And, although prophecies are clearer today than they have ever been, we must be diligent in segregating the facts from assumption and speculation. Various opinions exist among students of prophecy as to how the coming events will unfold, but the events themselves are unquestioned.

This book is not meant to scare anyone, but, rather, to prepare you for what lies ahead, and to show how prophecy proves the Bible to be the Word of God. So many people misunderstand the purpose of Bible prophecy. God didn't give us prophecy to express his wrath, or to frighten us. It is given to us to prove that He is real, to show His grace and mercy, to warn of the consequences of rejecting Christ, and to give us hope.

Many who read this book may find me intolerant, though I much prefer faithful. They may find me narrow-minded, though I much prefer focused. And they may find me arrogant, though I much prefer direct. Hopefully, through it all, you will be able to see the truth of prophecy and overlook some of my own failings.

Please understand that I personally hold no bias or dislike for any nation, religion, or people, but my faith rests in the Bible. And I believe the Bible clearly shows that the problems in the end-times will be due to the rise of Islam throughout the world. I must be faithful to what the Word of God tells me.

Many say that Islam is a religion of peace but that is a false narrative. The root word of Islam is "salam" which does mean "peace and safety", but the word Islam itself means "submission" and "surrender."[1] Islam will be a religion of peace only when all other religions and people submit to its rule.

Islam is a religion of violence. Muslims conquered the Middle East by the sword, by force, by terror and murder. Until the "radical" is removed from its Koran, its mosques, its rules, and its hatred of anyone not Islamic, it will always be a religion of hatred.

And, yes, history is replete with Christian violence – the Crusades, the Inquisition, etc. – committed in the name of Christ. Most Christians will tell you that those who commit violence are not true Christians but they usually do not allow the same latitude to Muslims.

It cannot be denied that there are also some passages inciting violence in the Bible, particularly in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, however, Christ preaches peace over violence. And between the two, Christians and Muslims, who are the more violent today? I do not see a lot of violence done in the name of Christianity when compared to what is happening in the name of Islam. 

The reason for this book, however, is not to compare violence between Islam and Christianity, past or future. The purpose here is to prove the truth of the Bible, to explore its prophecies, and to make known some of the events that will soon come to pass.

Finally, I feel a confession is in order, here. I am not an author – never have been, and never truly desired to be one. Oh, I can write a decent letter, maybe even a song, or a poem, but the thought of climbing Mount Everest has more appeal to me than the arduous journey of writing a book.

This book is the result of over thirty years of research and study of Bible prophecy. Know that it has been started, and continued, only after a multitude of excuses and reasons to avoid the task entirely. But God has continuously chipped away at my stubborn heart, and, although it has been a struggle, I must obey His will. Only through God and His persistent strength has it become possible.

My hope is that all who read this book would choose to do their own research, then, heed the signs, and take the road that leads to eternal life. For the Christian, the signs are not scary at all, but rather a verification of faith and a source of great encouragement. For the skeptics among you, who choose to take your own road, I hope what you read in this book stays with you. Then, as the remaining prophecies begin to unfold, maybe you'll have a change of heart and seek God's answers for your life – before, suddenly, it's too late and you miss that last exit.

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