(Random 20) BFF!!!

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My BFF got Wattpad! I was so surprised when she did! Time to go tag her...



So her style will be Italic, bold and underlined!

So yeah. Time to go bug her while she's playing Wormate.io to write something!!! :)

*Waiting for her to die in Wormate.io when she finds her friend online and accidently kills her XD*

*She died I'm now begging her to write something*

So I'm mal! yeah so my bff is forcing me to write and she is changing all my typos cause shes ocd when it comes to writing but i love in a not gay way si bye!

Ok you know what I don't understand what you said so I won't correct it too much XD 

Normally she doesn't type like this but she's being silly lol.
And yes, I was bugging her to write something. :V

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