(Random 38) Bird Bird!

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XxMalia02xX was at my house and a bird flew into my room!!!
We released it!
(My mum named it Bird Bird)
If anyone knows how to post a video that's not on YouTube here, that would be helpful. I recorded the entire thing!!!

Malia: HI Ummmmmm yea what Kirsten said so hi and bird bird.

Derp lol.

XD! Anyway when the bird fell into the house they called me 2 pick it up and release it. I'M BIRD WOMAN!!!

OK. Anything else you want to say about Bird Bird?



... \_('-')_/ *shrugs*

Welp I guess that's it for now. Bye!!!!

See ya people have a merry happy day and a weird Christmas! This could be the last time in a long time that I'm talking to u so bye!

WOW!!! This year has passed very fast!!! Anyway have a merry Christmas and BAI!1!1 (4 now...)

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