(Random 88) Len and Pit

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You know how my second main Fandom is Kid Icarus and my third is Vocaloid?

Apparently I'm not the only Kid Icarus-Vocaloid fan!!!

Immediately when I saw Gakupo (His character item is an eggplant) I thought 'If Pit met him he is screwed-' and

Apparently, because Pit's fear of eggplants from the eggplant wizards is a meme in the fandom...

Apparently, because Pit's fear of eggplants from the eggplant wizards is a meme in the fandom

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This exists XD

And apparently this guy has many drawings of Pit and Dark Pit as Rin and Len respectively, with Hades being Kaito (Instead of Gakupo... meh)

Like this:

Like this:

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And this:

Apparently this was based off of an image of the Kagamines and Kaito so...

I accidently found these when I read a fanfic (that made me rage, btw) called 'Caged Bird' where Len was a angel-dove hybrid and I was like 'This reminds me of many other fanfics...'

After that I searched up angel Len and this popped up:

Electric Angel but with these two XD

So I searched up Kid Icarus and Vocaloid and...

This. Len looks so majestic in Pit's toga, while Pit looks like just great in Len's attire.

And then I found this accurate thing:

This is what I thought about Len after like a month or two of knowing Vocaloid.

It should be swapped because Len came first before Pit's Kid Icarus Uprising model, but sti this is quite true!!!

And bookwormwriter1435
How to remember acute angles:


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