Miss You

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Remember how I told you about the feud between me and the ship assistant? Well, he got his revenge. I sit cross-legged on my bunk bed, grinning at the memory of Anderson's stupid pig-face covered in the oatmeal-ish substance they called dinner. My smile disappeared quickly, however, as a puff of colored smoke blasted me square in the face. The bastard relocated me! Came up with some bullshit about "more room." God, I'm gonna kill him. It's not that my old room-mates were that great: but they were definitely better than this lot. A hoarse cackle rose into the air over two overlapping shrieks. "That's 10k you owe me, Marge! Ya ready to give up now, ya sorry excuse for a card player?" came from below. I sighed a heavy sigh, unfortunately drawing their attention to me.
"Whatchya moanin' about kid?! You didn't even have to pay full price! You're traveling through space, for god's sake! When I was your age, if I was this ungrateful..."the voice droned on.
He saddled me with these three old hags who do nothing but play cards and puff disgusting smoke in my face all day. I asked them once why they used real cigarettes, Earth style, and they lectured me for a bit about not appreciating things simply because they were from the past, but never actually answered me. I'm quite curious as to what their Talents are. Perhaps they are the original 3 Fates from Earthen mythology? I chortled at my own joke, imagining the bickering women fighting over which string to cut. Or maybe they invented the deck of cards. They've definitely been around long enough. Don't worry, I'll get my revenge, he'll definitely pay... I was thinking something to do with the speaker system?

Miss you.


I sighed again, the women below me muttering about this generation and how rude and pathetic they were, how they disrespect their elders, their parents... I straightened, suddenly furious.

"People don't command respect just because their old!" I shouted. "They need to earn it, they need to deserve it. And my parents certainly didn't." The thwomp of the shuffling cards suddenly stopped, and I regretted saying anything. Dammit, Avalia, can't you just keep your mouth shut?

"Sorry," I muttered, and their chatter resumed, somewhat quieter than before. I leaned down over the edge of my bunk to the women.

"Can I see that?" I asked Marge, gesturing to her nearly-finished cigarette. She eyed me suspiciously.

"Thought you didn't approve." She held it cautiously, dripping pink and red smoke as it shrunk nearer and nearer to her fingertips

"Changed my mind," I lied. It was clear she didn't believe me, probably should have asked for one when there was more than an inch left, but she handed me the lit cigarette anyways.

"Thanks," I mumbled, pulling myself back up. I didn't put the cigarette in my mouth, however. I don't smoke, Earthen style or otherwise. Instead, I used it to light a corner of my letter, and watched my words travel up in smoke, ink changing to green then gold then black again before slipping off the edge of the paper. The ashes fluttered about, most drifting off my bed onto the floor. A smoldering phrase caught my eye, somehow having traveled to my pillow.

Miss you.

I picked up the fragment and crushed it the rest of the way to ash.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2017 ⏰

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