Dark Paradise

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Every time I close my eyes
It's like a dark paradise
No one compares to you ~ Dark Paradise, Lana Del Rey.

Marley"s POV.

I started running down the path because i couldn't wait any longer, people kept giving me funny looks; well who wouldn't give a girl funny looks if they were running at full pelt down a pathway. Once the block of apartments came into view I started to slow down; as i started to slow down I grabbed my phone and changed the song considering I hated the one that was playing, I decided to put some Bring me the horizon on. Walking down the path while doing a bit of head banging with my eyes shut I get to the block of apartments; I chuck my phone into my bag and started to run up the flights of stairs excited to see my old friend again, well I say old friend I liked him for a long time ever since we met but never had the guts to tell him.

I got to Jason's door and knocked loudly, as usual I waited for him to open the door knowing him he's probably back to sleep again but I waited. I looked down at my feet and heard the door open, I looked up and saw Jason. " Jason is Jordan here?" I asked while rubbing my head. " He's in the spare bedroom and he's still asleep." He said sleepily rubbing his eye's. " Someone's had a long night. When did you come home last night and who with?" I walk in and have a hand on my hip. " Dunno what time I came home but I came home with this fit as fuck girl." Exaggerating with his hand on his head. " Alright Casanova we get it now get back to sleep Jesus Christ." I say pushing his chest and starting to walk to the spare room.

I get to the other end of the room and knock on the door, I walk in and see him. Walking further in i drop my bag to the floor he looks just like I remember him. Soft snores were heard coming out of his parted lips and the duvet covering his body up to his chest. I sit down on to the bed and start running my fingers through his hair, just after a couple minutes he wakes up rubbing his eyes. "Hi." After the words came out of mouth he engulfed me into a tight hug with one of his hands behind my head and the other round my waist. " I've missed you Marley. I'm sorry I left you." He told me pulling away. I pulled him back and squeezed him. " Why did you leave? I cried for days when you left me I had nothing left." I say in to his chest and start to cry. We both pull away and he see's the tears going down my cheeks. " Oh Marls please don't cry I'll explain the whole situation Ok?" He grips on to my hands and looks into my now teared eyes. "Ok."

He got out of bed and walked to the closet pulling out a top and some basketball shorts, as he turned round my eyes were kept focus on my hands. " Here put these on." He tells me and hands me the clothes. " You can get changed in here I'm just going to make some tea." He informs me while putting his hand on my shoulder, all I did was nod and he did the same. Once the echo of the door was heard i started to get changed taking everything off and switching it with clothes Jordan gave me.

After a couple of minutes Jordan came back with two mugs of hot tea. As he hands me one we both sit on the bed with my legs crossed and the mug in my hands. I smell the sweet scent of the tea and say to him " Rose hip and hibiscus my favorite you didn't forget?" I ask in shock. " Course I wouldn't forget." He said. " Ok tell me what happened." I say intrigued. " Ok so basically I had to leave cause my friend in Australia was in trouble he wanted me to help him It was money problems. And then even more problems happened and the gang that was selling him drugs wanted him dead because he didn't pay his debt. That's all that happened it wasn't because of the argument i promise " He explained to me holding one of my hands. " Is ok now? Your friend." I asked squeezing his hand. " He got killed Marls. They poisoned his drink and we couldn't save him." He sighed. I put my head down looking at my mug and bracelet. " Oh Marls dont be sad I'm here now. I've got something to give you." Jordan explained as he placed his mug on the dresser and went to his suit case.

He came back with something behind his back and grinning wildly. " Shut your eye's Marls." He said grinning. I place my mug on the dresser as well and shut my eyes. I heard a box being opened and something cold placed on my finger and the weight being transferred to sit behind me, then I feel the slight chill being round my neck and a soft kiss on my neck. " Open your eye's Marls." He said huskily. My eyes flutter open and my eyes go down to my finger, there on my finger was a silver ring with a shimmering blue stone on it. Gasping at it's beauty I looked down at my neck where there was a black pearl on a silver chain. "Jordan you didn't really have to." I say with shock looking at my finger. " It's for you. That stone on your finger is Tanzanite it's from Mount Kilimanjaro and is only found there. So a special stone for a special girl." He said holding my hand. I jump on top of him " Thank you so much. You didn't have to but thank you so much." I say loudly and kiss his cheek hugging him tightly.

We stayed in that hug for a long time. I started to pull away and so did Jordan, I looked at him and yawned. " Someone is tired I guess." He laughed " Well if someone didn't wake me up so early with a phone call I would've got some more sleep." I laughed back hitting him on the shoulder. " You can sleep here if you want I'll wake you up." Jordan said smiling. " Mmm ok thanks." I reply. I slip in to his bed and so does he, he puts my head on my chest and starts stroking my hair as I start to fall asleep he murmurs something that I can't hear and fall asleep.

Harry's POV

Continuing with my journey to go see Louis at Starbucks I gave up trying to contact Marley and just walked. The scent of coffee hit my nose before anything else did and then I heard a loud laugh fully knowing that it was my crazy friend Louis. There sat with him was his girlfriend Eleanor and one of my other friends Liam surprisingly without his girlfriend. I walked up to the counter and looked at the girl at the counter giving her a wink which led to her blushing red. " One grande chocolate frappe chino please" I say coolly. " Course. 2.50 please." She says shyly. I hand her the money and walk to the other counter and waiting for my drink. Grabbing my drink when it was ready and the receipt seeing that the girl scribbled her number down while I was waiting; I turned round to see her smiling at me i just smiled back and put the receipt in my pocket.

" Harry. Hey mate how have you been?" Louis questioned while I sat down. " I've been alright I went to a concert yesterday and met some new people." A little tinge of pink went into my cheeks. " Harry what are you hiding from us? Did you meet someone you liked at that club?" Eleanor quizzed me and both her, Louis and Liam's eyes were fixed on me. I kept my head down as I drank my coffee. " Harry?" Eleanor asked again trying to get a answer out of me. " Ok Ok Ok, I met a girl, well i didn't really meet her like you would expect she fell onto me.." A gasp was heard then a laugh from Louis. " She jumped out her window to meet her friends across the street, I caught before she hit the ground and she was so pretty and I went to the concert with her and met her friends." I said rushed. " Did anything else happened after the concert?" Louis asked winking at me. " No, she ran out of the concert crying and ran on to the road almost getting hit by a truck but I saved her. Then it's a big blur what happened but I asked her out on a date but she ran off in the morning saying something came up." I continued and took a sip of my drink.

Time passed and I realized that Liam was speaking that much. " Liam what's wrong you aren't speaking?" I question while putting my cup down. " Danielle dumped me." He said quietly but I heard him. " Oh mate that's sad to hear. Don't worry mate you will find someone else." I tell him patting him on the back. " I guess. Thanks Harry." He smiles.

After a couple of more minutes talking about what's been happening and stuff going on. Suddenly the vibration of my phone caught my attention, I pulled my phone out my pocket and it flashed up with a number I didn't recognize I answered it anyway. " Hello?" It came out more of a question than a statement. " Harry it's Jason." Jason answered. " Oh hey. Do you know where Marley is? Her phone is turned off so I can't contact her." I walk off to go stand outside. " Yeah she's at mine seeing a old friend. I think she's with him right now. Come over to mine you can stay here until the party if you want?" He asks and i can here a girly giggle in the background, that's not Marley she doesn't giggle like that it must be the girl form last night Jason found. " Yeah sure where do you live?" I asked back. " I live two blocks away from Pizza hut. When you get passed two blocks there will be a apartment block saying Georges apartments, I live on the second floor froom 26." He directed me. " Alright mate I'll meet you in a couple of minutes." I tell him walking back to my table. " Alright harry see you then ill go wake up Marey." With that he hung up and I slipped my phone back in my pocket.

" Right guys i'm off. I'll see you guys later." I said walking off waving bye to them. "Bye Harry." They all said in unison. I walked out of Starbucks the smell of grass and cigerrette smoke filled my nostrils but I walked out confident but curious. Why was Jason going to wake Marley up? And who was her old friend? I guess I will found out when I get there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2014 ⏰

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