Chapter 11: Disaster at home

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( Narrator ) Welcome back ( Third person POV ) You and reiji came in and saw the mess that was in the house. " WHAT THE F*@*K IS THIS MESS " you yelled as you stomped your foot. " honey stop yelling you need to avoid stress it is your anniversary " reiji said in a calm yet angry voice. " SHU GET YOUR ASS IN HERE NOW " you yelled as shu heard you and walked in the living room. " what " shu said in his lazy voice. " WHAT IS THIS MESS" you yelled again.

 " it was Haruhi she is teething and she was chasing Ayato and he was screaming trying to get away from her " Shu said lazaly. " AYATOO COME HERE NOW" you yelled as loud as you can. Haruhi even woke up. " mummy " haruhi asked sleepy.

 " oh dear not now let's put you back to bed " Reiji said as he carried haruhi to bed. " HOW THE HELL WOULD YOU LEAVE A MESS IN MY HOUSE AND NOT CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF" you yelled and slapped ayato in the face. " what was that for " ayato asked. " THAT IS FOR LEAVING A MESS IN MY HOUSE" you yelled at ayato. " reiji go make ayato change now.

 " you said to reiji. " HUH?!'' ayato said confused and angry . " you heard me GO NOW" you said yelling at ayato and slapping him again. " OK OK I AM GOING " ayato yelled running upstairs to reiji." WHY DID YOU MAKE ME WEAR THIS Y/N " ayato yelled obviously angry. " Your going to clean this whole house and be my butler for 3 months." you said with a grin. " NOOOO " Ayato yelled. " get to cleaning Butler " You said with a evil giggle.

 " This is going to be hell " ayato said groaning. " Reiji dear let's go out on a date again and Ayato will take care of Haruhi " You said and walked away. " Darling this is a nice date " you said holding reiji's hand. Soon Reiji's phone rang. " hello " he said. " Subaru why are you calling me i am out with my beautiful wife" ^ ON THE OTHER LINE WITH SUBARU ^

 " Reiji you have to help me " subaru said worried. " what is it subaru " reiji said in a angry voice. " someone is trying to kidnap Haruhi" subaru said almost yelling." WHAT ok i am going " reiji said worried. " Honey someone is trying to kidnap the baby" reiji said leaving the sakamaki manor. " let's go " you said running as fast as you can. " HARUHI, HARUHI, HARUHI DARLING WHERE ARE YOU. " you yelled worried.

 " HARU-CHAN WHERE ARE YOU MY BABY. " you keep yelling. " Y/N REIJI HARUHI IS GONE. " subaru yelled running downstairs. " I'm sorry " subaru said sadly. " it isn't your fault it is ayato's fault he should've been watching her " you said. You started crying. " My baby is missing i need her back i feel empty without her " you said crying. " shhh baby it is fine we will find her and we will take revenge on the kidnappers." reiji said comforting you. " thank you " you said hugging reiji.

 Author-Chan: What will happen to haruhi who kidnapped haruhi find out next chapter of bruises and bitemarks.

End of chapter 11 

Bruises and Bitemarks a Reiji X Reader Story COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now