Chapter 13: Sadness and despair ( Major Character death )

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Author-Chan: This is a long chapter plz read slowly and carefully because this chapter is very important thx for reading  

( Narrator ) Previously on Bruises and bitemarks:" who are you" Haruhi said whimpering. " My name is Kino" The man said walking in the room. Haruhi screamed. " HELP ME PLEASE YOUR NOT MY DAD I NEED MY MOMMY AND DADDY "... " I miss haruhi reiji when will she come back." You said laying in bed with reiji. " we will find her soon i promise i will start looking tomorrow " reiji said caressing your hair. You started sobbing. " Baby don't cry you cried enough go to sleep " reiji said in his soothing voice and it put you right to sleep... " I WANT MOMMY AND DADDY " haruhi yelled this time and started crying again... 

( Narrator ) Now back to the story ( Third person POV ) " haruhi was yelling so much that karlheinz couldn't take it anymore. " hey baby haruhi don't cry i will take you home " Karlheinz said to haruhi. " I am your father's father " Karlheinz said. " your my grandpa " Haruhi said. " yes and i am going to take you home i can't bear to hear my granddaughter cry and scream like this it breaks my heart " Karlheinz said. " Please take me home now i want mommy and daddy " Haruhi said. " oh but you can't little baby" Kino said waking in the dungeon. " no not you please don't hurt me. " haruhi pleaded. " Don't hurt my granddaughter." karlheinz said in a stern voice. " I won't fufu " kino said. Then there was banging on the door to the dungeons.

 " OPEN UP NOW KINO I KNOW YOU HAVE HARUHI. " reiji yelled. Haruhi gasped " DADDY MPH" kino put a gag in haruhi's mouth. " GO AWAY REIJI WE DON'T HAVE YOUR STUPID BABY." Kino yelled to reiji. " reiji my son... Please come down now." Karlheinz said. " why father. " reiji asked. " Just do it " Karlheinz said. " Ok " reiji said opening the door. He was walking down. " NO DADDY DON'T DO IT" Haruhi was yelling through the gag. " SHUT UP BABY " kino yelled. " your father is going to have a special treat from his brother " kino said in a evil deep voice. " No " Haruhi whispered yelled. " Haruhi " Reiji said wide eyed. Kino took a knife. It looked like subaru's knife and it was subaru's knife. He took it and stabbed Haruhi in her heart. "NO DAD- MPH " haruhi's sentence was cut off by her slowly dying. " HARUHI NOOOOO " reiji yelled.

 He pushed kino over and ran to her body. " Haruhi no please don't die please no " Reiji started crying. " Haruhi please i love you my baby your mother what will she say what will your uncles say what will everyone say my darling baby" Reiji cried and cried and cried. " My son " Karlheinz said. " How, Why, Why did this happen. " Reiji asked. " Maybe because Kino wanted revenge on you guys because you stole what he loved most" karlheinz said. " you mean Yui she is married to ayato " Reiji said. " I know but still it hurt him he loved Yui she was his everything. " Karlheinz said in a monotone voice ( Author-Chan: Look at me using big words i am so smart Back to the story ) " come my son let's go " Karlheinz said. " No i want to stay with my daughter i want her to be happy " reiji said crying.

 " Son your wife your brothers need you everyone needs you " Karlheinz said. " fine i will leave." Reji said. " But please have a funeral please" Reiji asked. " Of course " Karlheinz said. " let us go now. " Karlheinz said. ^ Later at the sakamaki manor ^ " Honey... " Reiji said as he was trying to tell you what happened to Haruhi. " Yes dear have you found her " Y/N said as she was staring at the wall looking without emotions. You were completely broken ever since you found out that Haruhi went missing. " Yes but... I was too late... Kino Killed her... and i too late " Reiji started crying. " Haruhi is gone... " You whispered cried. " My baby.. My happiness... The love of my life is gone... My baby " you cried into reiji's arms. " My baby is gone i will never see her again... Not ever " you kept crying. ^ Reiji's POV ^ I don't know what to do anymore. I lost my child i feel broken. " Reiji " Laito walked in the room.

 " Did you find her " Laito asked. " i will be right back honey " I told Y/N. " She died i was too late by the time i found her Kino had already stabbed her." i told Raito. " No " Laito said tearing up. " it can't be " he said. " Why did this have to happen to me i love my baby " I told Raito crying on his shoulder. " I miss my daughter i miss her so much. I feel empty without her " I cried to Raito. " Reiji I know how you feel i miss my niece i miss Haru-Chan she was so sweet she was amazing " Laito said crying. " I remember when she was born " Laito said as he started to cry. " She was so beautiful and she was so sweet " Laito said still crying. " What happened " Shu asked. " have you found her " shu asked. " No i was too late Kino killed her " Reiji said crying again. " no " Shu said. " She was innocent. She doesn't deserve to die " Shu said starting to cry. " Don't cry dada you need to be strong " Haruhi's spirit told me. " Haruhi " I said quietly. " Our baby is gone we need her back she is our everything " Shu, and Laito said together.

 " I know but we have to deal with what Kino did " I told them. " Kino wanted revenge " I told them. ^ third person POV ^ " Father told me he wanted revenge he wanted to take something dear from us. He said that we took something dear from him. " Reiji told Shu and Laito. ^ Y/N POV ^ " I feel empty. I Feel like i have no emotions. I have no emotions. " I told myself as i stared at the wall. " No emotions. No happiness. No nothing. Just emptiness " I said again. I will never have emotions again.

author-chan : I know i know i made a dark chapter. But i needed to because i like dark turns in my stories. But i hope you all like it. Bye y'all

End of Chapter 13 

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