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Mom and Dad ending up moving into Aunt Ella and Uncle Matt's castle. I'm just so happy that my mom is with us here in Auradon. I missed her alot.

"Arabelle, let's go!" Izzy shouted from the main part of our room. I sighed, looking at myself in the mirror. My brown hair was thrown in a messy bun with a couple red strands sticking out. I had on mascara, grey eyeshadow, and cherry chapstick on. A grey bandana was in my hair and my outfit was simple. White high waisted skinny jeans, a grey Coca-Cola shirt, black hightop converse, and a watch on my wrist.

Satisfied with how it turned out, I left the bathroom and walked out with Izzy and Dizzy, linking our arms

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Satisfied with how it turned out, I left the bathroom and walked out with Izzy and Dizzy, linking our arms. Today we have the day off, so we are free to do what we want. Fairy Godmother hasn't messed with me too much and only talks to me when it has to do with school.

"What do you guys want to do today?" Dizzy asked, skipping ahead of us. I shrugged.

"Doesn't matter to me." I replied. Dizzy suddenly squealed and grabbed my arm, dragging us off to some place. Dizzy was bouncing up and down with what I assume is excitement when we reached Mal and Evie.

"Evie!" Dizzy said loudly, hugging her tightly. Evie beamed, hugging her back. A smile found it's way onto my face. Awww.

Mal and I broke into an easy conversation while we watched Jay and Carlos throw the football around. "Do you guys like it here so far?" Mal suddenly asked. All the attention was on us from our group. I smiled, nodding.

"Yah, we love it here. Dizzy really loves it here. It's better than the Isle." I replied, taking a sip of my Coca-Cola. I have recently found out that I LOVE Coca-Cola. I freaking love it. It's freaking amazing. A smile broke out onto Mal's face, along with Evie, Jay, and Carlos.

"I'm glad!" Evie exclaimed. "We like having you guys here. It wasn't the same without you four." We all smiled.

A scream rang throw the air, a frightened scream. I jumped out of my seat and began following the sound, my friends close behind me. It was at the front of the school, where the statue of the Beast is. A gasp escaped from my lips. I heard many more behind me.

Harry and Gil.

They are here, right now, standing in front of us. Harry's eyes immeaditly locked with mine. His eyes questioned whether or not I kept my promise. I sent him a nod. He let out a sigh of relief. We broke eye contact and his eyes locked with Izzy's. A blush rose onto her cheeks, a deep red. I had to giggle.

Gil's head snapped up to mine at that sound. His lips lifted up into a smile. Gil wiggled his eyebrows at me and I gagged, lookimg away. That kid disgusts me sometimes. He is definitely his father's son.

"Hello sexy." Gil said, walking up to me. He placed his arm around my shoulder and I moved away. Gross.

"Goodbye ugly." Gil frowned. I looked over to see Harry and Izzy chatting away.

"How did you guys even get here?!" Mal asked. I had been wanting to know that too. Harry smirked.

"You left this." Harry replied. He brought his hands out from behind his back. In his hands was Mal's spell book. Mal gasped and snatched it out of his hands, inspecting it. A thought suddenly came to mind.

"Wait, is Uma here?!" Dizzy asked, her voice laced with panic. Harry and Gil both shook their heads.

"No, I made sure of that. She won't be getting here anytime soon." Harry said, his eyes twinkling. I raised an eyebrow at that. But he just shrugged. I just shrugged in return. I wonder what he did....

"What is going on here?!"

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