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The front door slammed open, signaling someone's arrival. I heard three squeals followed by pounding footsteps. I laughed as I made my way to the front door.

Parker stood there, a slight stubble on his chin and looking handsome as always. Our three children surrounded him, rambling non stop. I think that they get the talkative trait from Parker's side of the family. My husband glanced up and grinned when his eyes landed on me. I returned the smile.

"Hey honey." Parker said, stepping around the kids and walking to me. His arms wrapped around my waist and my arms went around his neck. We both leaned in and when our lips met, sparks went through my body. It happens everytime.

"Ewwww, Mom, Dad." The kids exclaimed, covering their eyes. Parker and I pulled away before bursting out into laughter. Presley, the oldest twin, was the first to uncover her eyes.

"It's safe to look guys." Presley told her siblings. The oldest, Aaron, uncovered his eyes before our youngest, Phoenix, uncovered hers. Aaron is currently four while the twins are two and half.

"Ready to go?" Parker asked, his hands still on my waist. The kids nodded really fast before Aaron took off upstairs. I grabbed the diaper bag that was already packed. Parker and I somehow managed to put socks and shoes on the twins because that rarely happens.

"Aaron! Let's go!" I shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming Mommy!" Aaron shouted back. A second later, Aaron came stumbling down the stairs, his stuffed dog in hand. I smiled to myself, knowimg what was going to happen in a few minutes.

I grabbed Phoenix and Presley's hand while Parked grabbed Aaron's, before we all walked out of the house.


"Close your eyes." Parker told the kids. They pouted but listened anyway. Allison handed the box to Izzy, who handed the box to Anthony, who handed the box to me. I smiled at Parker before bending down in front of the kids.

I slowly opened the lid to the box. "Alright kids, open your eyes." I told the three of them. They all did at the same time before gasping all at once.

"PUPPY!" The three of them screamed. All of us laughed before I pealed the lid off all the way.

It was an adorable grey French Bulldog with bright blue eyes

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It was an adorable grey French Bulldog with bright blue eyes. It seemed to look almost full grown.

"What do you want to name him?" Parker asked the trio softly. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a hooded figure watching us. Mg eyebrows furrowed together and I stood up. All eyes were on me as I made my way to the figure, who still hadn't noticed me.

They still didn't notice me until I cleared my throat. "Why are you watching my family?" I questioned, clenching my fists together as the fire wanted to come out to play.

The figure chuckled before they pulled their hood down.

"I thought you loved me but I come back to find out that you're married and have kids."

I gasped.


"Gil, where have you been!? We've been worried sick!" I exclaimed. I went to hug him but he backed away.

"You chose a different man, I want nothing to do with you." Gil paused before looking behind me at the family. "Goodbye, family."

And then just like that, he disappeared.

I ran back to the group. "I don't like this." I told them, crossing my arms. The magic within me was going to my fingertips, wanting to be let out. And so I let it. I unclenched my fists and fire danced in my hands.

Once I had calmed down, the fire disappeared and everyone let out a sigh of relief. I've had my moments were I've been so mad that I destroyed a doem building at Auradon Prep.

I put on a smile and looked back at everyone. "Hey, let's not worry about it now. Let's enjoy this while it lasts." I said. Everyone nodded and then just like that, we were back to being our normal, goofy selves.

Hey everyone! So as you could tell by the title, this is the end of the book. I really hope you enjoyed this book!

Oh! And if you'd like a sequel or a spin-off, just comment down below! The sequel or spin-off might take a little while to be posted because I have many other stories that I am in the middle of writing.

Thank you so much for reading this book and I hope you enjoyed it!

Signing out one last time.....


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