One glass fruit smoothie
Half glass caffeinated tea
One fried egg
A quarter piece of jelly toast
Being hungry is almost erotic
Empty feels so good
So does full.... after a while
The rest of the piece of jelly toast
The rest of the caffeinated tea
I want to throw up
A nearly full tub of oatmeal with apples and cinnamon
This is more like a real binge
Maybe three or four cups worth of food
I was gonna have more but I stopped
I feel like this is wrong somehow
Oh well
Calories 401.324
Calories 6.547
Calories 90.263
Calories 33.599
Total calories 531.733
Calories 0
Calories 100.797
Calories 6.547
Total calories 107.344
Calories 462.105
Total calories 462.105
Completed calories for the day 1101.182
Goal calories per day = 616
Yay I failed
Do better tomorrow