Chapter 32

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It was now around night time. Killua came back with my (F/S). After that he said he had to go take care of some business. By that, I'm guessing he meant to go get a job probably. We've both been wanting to get better jobs so that we can gain more money for the upcoming baby I suppose.

Anyway, I was just on the couch still watching my anime marathon. The anime's that have shown up so far were (Anime show 1), (Anime show 2), (Anime show 3), and (Anime show 4). They're my top four favorite anime's.

"(input line from the show you're watching here)." (Anime show 1,2,3, or 4 Character) said
[sorry if that was complicated to understand I don't make much sense]

I suddenly had the urge to go to the bathroom.

"Schnitzel!" I said instead of using the "S" word

[I don't know what I'm doing here anymore ;-;]

I got up and ran to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and began doing my business.

Unknown POV

I snuck into my prey's house. Luckily the back door was unlocked, so I just let myself in.

*oh how so much I heard of this (y/n) (l/n). I wonder if she really did beat Illumi. Too bad I wasn't there to see the end, I was too busy telling Gon. Yet I can barely withstand myself with him.*

I turned a couple of halls and found myself in the kitchen. From there I went to the living room, then upstairs, then a couple other rooms. Next thing you know, I'm just wandering around the home thinking no one's here.

That is until I come upon some other room. I saw light illuminating from under a (F/C) door with a silver knob handle. I then heard something flush behind the door. I realized that someone actually was here, so I ran to a nearby door, opened it, and walked in.

As I closed the door, I realized that I was in a closet. I stood still for a second mentally face-palming myself. I heard a separate door open and a set of footsteps walking away.

*alright, now's my chance.*

Once I didn't hear footsteps anymore, I quietly opened the closet door and stepped out. I know I may not seem sneaky, but hey, as long as she doesn't notice me, I can call myself whatever I want.


As I walked down the set of stairs, I ran back to my T.V and continued watching my marathon. At the moment, I felt a strange sensation. As if someone's watching me.

I shrugged it off, not bothering to wonder what was going on around me and rather view my T.V. A few minutes into my show, I felt a sharp pain against my head. Everything in sight, went completely black. I was then stuck in an abyss of nothing but my thoughts.

~le time skipu~

Killua's POV

I walked towards the front door of my home and unlocked it.

"I'm back!" I yell as I open the door and step inside

There was no response after my call. Confusion took over, so I called out again. No response. I began to worry.

*did something happen? Is she here? She might be asleep. Or taking a shower.'s awfully quite for that. What's going on?*

I dropped everything in hand and began searching the house. Nothing. I walked into the living room, and the T.V was still on. Something definitely isn't right.

I called her hoping she just went somewhere. I heard ringing from a distance. I walked over to the noise and noticed it was (Y/N)'s phone. Now I was beyond worried. Something had to have happened.

I searched everywhere. Once, twice, heck! maybe even six times. Yet there was nothing to be found. All the sudden, a burst through the front door comes in.

"(Y-Y/N).... I think.... She might be in danger." the familiar voice said trying to catch his breath

I looked over to the person that spoke and realized it was Gon. But how would he know if (Y/N) would be in trouble or not.

I looked at him straight in the eyes. All I was able to see was guilt, depression, and regret. My eyes were only filled with the shock of the sudden outburst. I was trying to take everything in. But I wasn't able to process all at once at the moment.


Geez, only a week from now until my birthday. I promised you guys. I'll try to make these chapters count. I'm gonna try and finish this story.
Written: 09-30-17

Bai!! <3

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