Chapter 35

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Killua's POV

"So you mean to tell me that you gave Hisoka most of our information just for him to keep an eye on us?" I asked

"Yeah. Again, I'm sorry." Gon replied

"*sigh* It's fine. You just have to learn to trust the correct people." I suggested

"How were you able to come at the right time? When I came home and found her missing and all." I asked

"If I want to be fictional, I'd say I have teleportation powers and can appear any time. Hisoka told me he was going to go after (Y/N)." he replied

"Then let's be realistic." I stated

"As I said, Hisoka told me he was going after (Y/N). As for the realistic part, I actually got here way more earlier than you did. I just so happened to have perfect timing when you arrived." he answered

"Perfect Timing my ass. You mean to tell me you had to wait for me to get home instead of going off and helping (Y/N)?" I lectured

"Well I had to tell someone, and watch your mouth." he scolded

"Good point. And NO." I pouted sticking my tongue out at him

"I swear, you can be childish sometimes." he announced

"You're one to talk." I countered

"Pfft. Fine, you get a pass on that one. Only because it's true." he said

"Yeah, sure." I teased

"Back on topic. How are we going to get her back?" he asked

"We need to come up with a strategy." I suggested

"Easier said than done." he said


I barely dodged some cards that Hisoka had thrown. I had a couple of cuts by now, they sting, but don't hurt as much.

"Why aren't you using your power? Do you think I'm not good enough for you?" Hisoka asks

"Do you really think that? I'll tell you why, it's nunya." I said

"What's nunya?" he asked once more

"Nunya business." I replied

This only riled him up even more. He threw more cards, I tried dodging all of them again. I was still in good shape other than the fact that I had blood all over me in some spots.

"So, if you aren't able to kill me. Should I kill you?" I asked

"It would be an honor to die at your hands. IF you ARE able to beat me. Which, I doubt." He answered

"We'll see about that." I countered

I spoke too soon though. I felt a bit dizzy and threw up a bit. I looked up a Hisoka who seemed to be surprised at first, but then put on that hell of a smirk back on.

"What are you smirking about?" I asked angrily

"Well I was just wondering if you were okay. Are you sick? Is the smell of blood that bad? Did I actually manage to hit you?" Hisoka asked sarcatically

"Why the hell would you care?" I asked

All of a sudden I was pulled right in front of him when he moved his pointer finger towards himself. I began using Gyo, it allows me to see anything that has to do with Nen. I then saw pink bubble-gum like strings all over my body where my small cuts are.

"So you finally use Gyo. I was wondering how long it would take you." Hisoka said

"Answer my damn question." I strictly stated

"I was only wondering so that it would be easier for me to end your life." He answered straight forward

"Like hell that's going to happen." I said

"I love how my victims always have that spunk." he moaned [sorry XD I'm just trying to get into his character. I dunno howwwwwww T^T.]

"What is this stuff anyway...?" I asked as I looked at the pink substance

"It's my ability." he responded

"Oh really?" I asked sarcastically

"Yes. Indeed it is." he said

*I think this guy's bipolar...*

I gave him a little smirk and engulfed myself in my flames to get his pink gum off of me. Thankfully it worked. Something was still bothering me though.

*Why would I throw up out of the blue like that?....Unless...*

The realization hit me.

I was pregnant.


Hey..... remember me? Yeah. I have quite the explaining to do, huh? Yeah. Sorry about my absence. But hey! At least I have Thursday and Friday off from school. I will still be quite busy tomorrow with school/robotics/chorus practice/ and a performance.

As I said. I'm quite busy now, and lazy. Plus I'm running out of ideas so the end of this book will begin getting quite lame. that is, if I do finish it.

Baii :3

My Adventure With You | Book 1 | Killua x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now