Chapter 31

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At some part in the last chapter which was originally chapter 31 - which I had deleted, you got home with Killua giving you a piggy-back ride, he told you what the room was for, or, more like you found out on your own. Now you're going to have a Baby!! Congrats by the way. And yes, the last chapter that I deleted was originally a lemon, a bad one at that.


I drowsily woke up from my bed, I tried to sit up, but I felt something pull me back down from my attempt. I looked down to my waist only to see an arm. I guided my eyes to where the arms came from and found them attached to an adorable sleeping Killua.

I then blushed realizing that we were still naked in bed. I still couldn't believe we did it. After a couple of seconds looking at Killua's sleeping expression, I moved his arm and tried to get up. Which, was a mistake.

A wave of pain shot through me. I made a small squeal, then I quickly looked over to Killua to see if I woke him up or not. At the moment, it looked like I didn't. I laid back down onto the bed and closed my eyes trying to ignore the pain.

I felt something wrap around me and open my eyes. I looked over to see the ocean blue orbs I've always been happy to see. With a smile, he said

"Good morning beautiful."

"Good morning." I replied

"I heard a squeal." Killua said

"Oh, I was trying to get up, but it hurt." I said

He smirked "Did you enjoy it?" he asked

I blushed extremely red.

"Do you need help?" he asked once again

I nodded confirming that I did. He uncovered himself from under the blankets and went towards the closet to change into some clothes. As he finished, he tossed me some of my clothes. I began trying to put on my undergarments at least to cover some of my body. I managed to put on the (F/C) tank-top that Killua handed me.

Since I wasn't able to put my shorts on, Killua insisted on carrying me without them. I blushed but agreed. He scooped me up bridal style, still with a bit of pain in my stomach, and walked downstairs.

Killua sat me down on a chair by the dining table and began making breakfast for the both of us.

"What are you making today?" I asked

"(F/F) & (F/D)." Killua responded

"Yay!" I cheered

As he was finishing up, I began feeling a little better. He handed me my plate with (F/F) and my cup filled with (F/D). I began eating my food.

After finishing eating, I went upstairs and took a shower. My stomach didn't hurt as much anymore. I stayed in the shower for about 30 minutes just to clear some thoughts. Then the question I asked Gon came back to me.

"Hey Gon? How did you know where to find us?" I asked

"That doesn't matter right now." he responded.

*knock knock*

"Yeah?" I asked

"You're taking a while in there, are you okay?" a voice from behind the door asked

"I'm fine, I've just been thinking. I'll get out in a bit." I responded

"okay." the voice said

I went back to showering. Once I finished, I wrapped a towel around myself and walked out leaving the fresh cold air hit my skin, I shivered a bit. I went to my room and grabbed some fresh new clothes from the drawer and put them on.

Once I finished changing, I walked downstairs and laid on the couch. I turned on the television and changed the channel to watch (Favorite Anime). Today was my anime marathon where I watch anime for hours.

I wanted to distract myself from what I remembered. I wanted to know how he found us out of curiosity. My mind wouldn't let me forget it, no matter how hard I tried.

"You okay? You seem stressed." a voice said behind me

I turned around to sight my eyes on Killua.

"Well. I kinda am. It's just..." I paused as I turned towards the T.V again and as he sat down next to me. "Remember when Gon saved us, or at least took us away from the incident?" I continued

"Yeah... Where are you getting with this?" he responded

"How did he know how to find us? Once I asked him that, he just dodged the question. Why would he do that?" I informed

"Now that you mention it. He did act a bit weirdly. He didn't seem like himself." he said

"What if he got himself into something? What happened while he was gone? What's been going on?" I questioned

"Look, those are great questions, but they're not going to be answered if you don't ask him. At some point, he has to tell us how." he explained

"You have a point." I said

"Of course I do." he grinned

I just shook my head in a playful manner. I stood up and walked over to the kitchen and opened a cabinet that contained my favorite snack of all time. (F/S) [I was going to suggest Pocky, but it's up to you guys.]

"NUUUUUUUUU!!!" I yelled

"What's wrong?!" Killua said as he came rushing in

"My (F/S) has ran out (T^T)" I said in the most saddest voice I could say it in

"Relax, we'll just go to the store to buy some more." he said

"B-but then I'll miss my anime marathon." I said with the puppy dog face

"Fine. I'll go." he said in an annoyed voice

I perked up in happiness "YAY!!" I cheered

I began running around and jumping like a child. Killua seemed amused for a second but then began walking off to get ready to leave. I went back to the couch to continue watching my marathon.

"I'll be back. Stay safe, and DON'T do anything stupid." Killua said as he opened the front door

"Since when do I do stupid things?" I asked

"Do I have to remind you about the time when-" Killua began

"It was a rhetorical question." I cut him off

"Whatever, just. Stay home and safe." he said once again

"Okay mom." I say teasingly

"Baka!" he responded as he left the house

I giggled to myself and continued watching.

"This is going to be one heck of a day and night." I said to myself


Geez this chapter took me a while for it to be not as boring. I legit finished this 09-27-17. From the last chapter, that was a really long while. Anyway, hope you enjoyed!!

Bai!! <3

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