[V] Family Issues?

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     You weren't too sure what you were expecting. A prince? A spiffy man in his late thirties? Then again it was supposed to be his older brother. Not his father.

     Admittedly you could see the resemblance, but there was also a great distinction between the two. Not enough to think they were unrelated, but enough to forget that this was his brother. However, there was no mistaking one thing of its certainty. Both males were some level of beautiful.

     In had stepped a man with medium beige skin and choppy, grayish white hair that was shorter in the front where it reached his jawline than the back where it barely extended past his shoulders by maybe an inch. His bangs were parted down the middle and swept to the sides, but a few stray hairs remained over his forehead. He had kind, mature, deep set brown eyes with lovely short lashes. You wanted to say he had an inverted triangle shaped face like Axel, but it just didn't quite fit. It was more... square but with an angular jaw. He had a small nose and eyebrows that were slightly tilted inwards. His lips, with what you'd say had a larger lower, were an angelic shape.

     "Morning, class. Sorry I'm a little late today. I had to go pick up a few things."

     He gestured to the two large cardboard boxes in his hands.

     However, all you could find yourself capable of doing was stare at his face and wonder how he could have that sort of voice when he looked so... soft. He had good projection and spoke with a slightly husky and gruff--but appealing--voice that would be expected of any classic hero to have. Heroic. You never thought you'd use that word to describe someone's voice. This made you laugh just a little.


     He turned his gaze to you.

     "Oh, we have a new student. Are you the one from Earth?"


     Honestly, was that the only way they knew you?

     The students stopped their work and you could feel their gaze. It was almost becoming routine by now. You were just about to push yourself up to introduce yourself when the male said, "Welcome to Radiance Academy. We're glad to have you here."

     Looking up, you saw him call a student to take the boxes and place them somewhere in the back. He walked over to his desk and picked up the green clipboard of science. After a quick look over of it, he turned back to you.


     To this you nodded and took out the silver pencil you'd kept from Kuja's class to work on the assignment on the board. He typed something onto the clipboard before setting it down and gathering some papers from a drawer. As he walked down the rows handing them out, he introduced himself. Relieved that you didn't have to repeat the process from English, you sat back down and continued your work.

     "My name is Firion Iora. In school, I would prefer you call me Mr. Iora but out of school feel free to call me Firion. This is my first year teaching as I just graduated from college last year, but I ask that you treat me no differently from your other teachers. Needless to say, I'm not as easygoing with classwork as I seem. I'll give you a syllabus after class, but for now," he paused as he handed your row the papers and looked at you, "I must teach."

     You looked over the papers as you took one and passed the others along and saw that it was a new lab over the different types of energy. This one was specifically elastic potential energy. You couldn't remember what you were just learning back home, but you were pretty sure these guys were ahead. A sigh escaped your lips as you hoped it wouldn't be too hard catching up. Maybe tutoring would now have a definition in your life...

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