Is he flirting

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Chapter 4 is he flirting

I woke to Felix dabbing cold water on my head it felt good. Then I knew this was a real.

Felix's p.o.v

I walked in an I saw a girl was she looked at me then fainted. She must know who I was. I quickly picked here up and the placed her on my bed then got some water on a rag then dabbed it on her head. This felt weird because well I just broke up with Marzia. It broke my heart to see another girl. S-she was beautiful. Ug what am I saying I just met this girl. I don't even know her name! She is waking up! ( I have nothing against Marzia she is awesome but I just thought this would make the book more interesting.)

Lila p.o.v

I woke on his bed . It was soft he was looking at with a big smile. Then he stopped. I leaned up. "Shit my head hurts." He got up and said " I 'm sorry if I scared you." "It's nothing, it's just that your my idol." He blushed then frowned. " What's wrong." "Nothing it's just that I just broke up with Marzia and I'm still kind of sad." "What happened." " Well she cheated on me." " Oh well do you w-want to watch a movie with me maybe?" " Uhh sure what movie?" Wreak It Ralph." " I love that movie."

Sorry guys for the super long chapter I just got really in to this writing .

I did it I made it longer yay!

The Dj and the Gamer ( a pewdiepie fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now