forget generation X more like generation Sex. (5)

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Drake's POV: (cont.)

When she opened her eyes I just stood there dumbfounded. I didn't know what to do so I did the first thing that came to my mind; what I wanted to do for a while. I kissed her. She smiled. Eric gives her a hug. There would be no way to wipe the smile of his face. "I can't believe it you're awake." His smile just keeps on getting bigger, "I'm going to get a nurse and some water."

"I'm so sorry, Evie. I never wanted this to happen to you."

"I know." She says dryly. "How bad are your scares?"

How did she know about those? "Don't try to talk until you have something to drink." She opens her mouth then rethinks it and just nods her head. A nurse comes in followed by Eric with a cup of water. I help set her up in bed and she takes a drink. "Are you feeling any pain?" The nurse asks. She shakes her head no. "Okay, I'm going to get your doctor."

The doctor comes in, "Go to see that you're conscious, Ms. Davis. I'm Dr. Walker. Now, I am going to ask you a series of questions. What is your full name?"

"Evelyn Charity Davis."

"Date of birth?"

"January 12, 1992."

"Do you know what year it is?"

"2010." The doctor gets closer to her and does the thing where you have to follow their finger while they shine a light into your eyes. "Everything looks good. I

want to run some tests tomorrow. So, you can go home hopefully in a day or two." He turns to Eric and me. "You boys can stay for a little but I want her to get her rest." He leaves. Thank god.

Eric whispers in my ear, "I'm going to call Lauren and my dad and let them know. So that should give you some time to talk to her, alone."

"Okay, thanks."

"Where is he going?"

"He is going to call Lauren and your dad."

"How have they been?"

"Your dad pretends it doesn't worry him but you can see right through it. He comes by whenever he's not at work. And Lauren, she's a mess. She comes by

before and after school but since her grades are a little on the bad side. Her parents only let her come here for an hour after school. Sometimes, she sleeps here on weekends like Eric and me."

Evie's silent taking it all in. "How long has it been since you've gone home?"

"A few days, Eric makes me go home to take a shower and eat and just to get out of the hospital." I can't take my eyes off her.

"I'm sorry, Drake, for what happened."

"No, it's not your fault. Okay, it's mine. I shouldn't have said those words. I didn't mean them. Not a single word." She began to cry. I wipe away her escaping

tears. "Evie please don't cry. I'll leave if you want me to." Yeah, like I was going to go anywhere.

"No, do not leave. Its just I'm so happy to hear you say that."

"You don't hate me?"

"No not at all." I'm so ecstatic. I kiss her again. She grabs my neck making the kiss last longer. God, I've missed her sooo much!!

"Whops, sorry," We break apart. "But we have to leave dude." Eric says.

~The next day~

Evie's POV:

I finally get to go home. I haven't told anyone about seeing mom. I don't know if I should. But it feels sooo good to lie in my bed again. That was the first thing I did. Then I sat on the couch with a pepperoni pizza and watched TV. I had to get caught up with things. Lauren came over and told me what I missed at school. Also, I got all the homework I missed. Made out with Drake some more. I found out that Eric and Lauren are dating. Then I told Eric if he broke her heart I was going to kick his ass. I learn that they had a date on for tonight and they planned it before I woke up so, I told them go I'll be here tomorrow.

I go to work on my missing assignments in the kitchen. I am sitting at the island; I have a finish pile, math, history, and English pile. I'm just glad that I'm taking gym this semester; nothing to make up! My plan is to work for two hours then take an hour break and then work for the rest of the night. Drake enters the kitchen and goes to the fridge. "So, what do you want to do tonight?"

"Come and get me in two hours. And I'll find us something to do."

"You're the only person I know who would start working on school work the day you got out of the hospital."

"I'm far behind as it is and when I go back to school on Monday I want to know what the teacher is saying."

"You're the only one who would want to know."

"Two hours."

"Okay, I'll get you in two hours." Drake goes and sits on the couch and watches TV. He should be in here working on his school stuff. "Drake, should you be working on your homework and I know you have missing assignments." I call to him.

"Fine." He grabs his book bag and sits down at the other side of the island.


"Times up." Drake drops his pencil, takes a hold of my hand, and pulls me off my stool, leading me to my room. I know what he is thinking.

"Who says I'm going to have sex with you?" He just gives me a smirk.

When we get to my room he locks the door and drags me to my bed. He just holds me, "I never said we were going to have sex. But I do like what you're thinking."

"Oh." I sounded a little disappointed.

He laughs, "It's just I haven't actually had a conversation with you."

"Can I see your scares?"

"If that's what you want." He sits on the edge of the bed and pulls his shirt over his head. My jaw drops, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I go closer to his back. I touch the top of his shoulder where the scars began. He shivers under my fingers tips. The scars go from his right shoulder all the way to his lower back, they're in splotches. You can see the pink skin where some of it took longer to heal. I wrap my arms around his mid section; giving him a hug.

"You know chicks dig scars." I say trying to lighten the tension. I get him to laugh. I tighten my grip on him, pulling him closer to me. I rest my chin on his shoulder and whisper, "I love you, Drake."

He unlatches my arms and he twists around so he can look me in the face. "I love you, too baby girl." Drake gives me a long, deep kiss. I can't help myself, I jerk him on top of me. There goes trying to have a conversation.

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