forget generation X more like generation Sex. (10)

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Drake's POV:

I can't believe what I think of her would have sooo much effect on her. I didn't even think I could give her a face of disgust when it comes to sex with her. Maybe she miss read my face. Because having to lie out all that food and smell it. I wanted to wait for her to get here before I ate anything. And when she did arrive the smell was still in my nostrils. Maybe that was the face she saw; hunger. All I want to know is what expression I made to her and never make it again. I never want to have her feel that I don't want her.

Maybe we're having too much sex and it's going to our heads...nah that can't be it.

After we had sex the second time Evie left because of her curfew and we didn't know when my parents were going to get home. That would be REALLY awkward if they caught us in the act.

Eric's POV:

I was sitting on the couch when I hear the door open, Evie. "Have fun?" I turn and look at her.

She gave me a huge smile. "I know I'm going to regret this but what'd you do?"

"We had dinner."

"He did make something for you?"

"God no, you know Drake can't cook to save his life."

"Where did he get the food from?" I say turning my attention back the TV.

'Shake n' Shake." Damn the nearest Steak n' Shake is an hour drive from here. "He would really do anything for you."

"I know that's one of the reasons I love him." She hangs up coat up. "And I would do anything him." She sounds like she would. I can hear her walk to the

stairs. "Eric." She voice sounds panicked causing me to turn and look at her. She is standing in my direction. "Evie, what is it?"

"Something is wrong." She puts her hands to her head. Everything happened in slow motion after that. Her knees just buckle underneath her and she fell to the ground.

I run over to her. "Evie, Evie." I pull out my cell and call 911. I turn her over on her back. I gently touch her face.

"Hello, what is your emergency?"

"My sister has fainted and she just got out the hospital yesterday. I need paramedics at Sloan Blvd. 129."

"What was she in the hospital for?"

"First it was for a burn then she slipped into a coma."

"Okay, keep trying to wake her. Sir, paramedics are on their way." I shut my phone and run down the hall to my dad's study. "Dad! Dad!" I banged on the door.

He pulls the door open, "What is it, son?" He asked worried.

"Dad, something is wrong with Evie." He follows me back into the living room. "What happened?" We kneel down beside her.

"She was about to walk up the stair when she said that something was wrong. Then she just passed out."

"You called 911?"

"Yeah, what should we do?"

"Okay. You need to call Drake and I'll get something to prop her head up."

"The operator said that we should keep on trying to wake her up."

"Okay, I'll do that. Go, call Drake."

He answers on the second ring. "Drake, you need to get over here."

"What? Why? Where?"

"My house, something happened to Evie."

"I'm on my way." Then the line went dead.

Drake's POV:

Oh my god, what could have happened to her? When she left, not what 30 minutes ago, she was fine. More than fine she was glowing. I start pushing the speed limit.

Now, what could of happen to her? Wait, wait I can't start jumping to crazy conclusions. I'll psyche myself out. What's the worst can happen? She could be

dead. My stomach dropped. Oh, no no no no. Uhmm, what's the situation I can live with? Okay, let's see...she passed out from not eating that much, today...she is exhausted. I think those are the only things that I can live with.

Finally, I'm here. The paramedics are here. I jump out of my car and run into the house. They are putting her on the gurney. I think I'm going to throw up. "Eric! Eric, what happened?"

"Well, when she came home we talked then she went to go up stairs and she passed out?"

One of the EMT's said, "Anyone riding in the ambulance?"

I look at Eric and her dad, "Is it okay if I go?" They nod their heads yes. "Thank you so much." I hop into the ambulance and they close the back doors behind


Chris's POV: (Evie's dad)

On the drive to the hospital all I could think of is the memory that was brought up when Eric said to me 'Dad, something is wrong with Evie.'

It took me back to the day my wife died. I was sitting in the car working on a business deal. When I saw her lying there it was like my whole world flashed before my eyes. She was my whole world and she's gone. I better not lose Evie too. She's my baby. I don't what I'd do.

But that boy, Drake, when he came into the house he seemed scared shitless. He must care a lot for my daughter. He and Eric are practically like brothers. But if I find out he's done anything to hurt her, he's a goner.

For what seems like eternity, we arrive at the hospital.


Dun Dun Dunnnnn!

What happened to Evie? What will happen?!

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