Summer Camp (Book)

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This will be a book, and I will publish it once I've written all the chapters or most of them. This is just the first chapter/prologue from the book.


Your POV

"Mom! Do I have to go?" I groaned while I watched my mom fold my clothes and put it in my suitcase.

"Yes sweetie, you told me yourself: "I need to learn how to be more social."" My mom said while also mimicking me causing me to groan louder because of my stupid mouth. Why did I have to be such a loner...

"That was a long time ago, who even remembers that..." I said rolling my eyes as my mom kept filling up my suitcase.

She stopped momentarily to look at me with a knowing look. "Honey, that was a month ago." I rolled my eyes again, even though I knew she was right. "Besides, it's only for nearly three months. Think about all the fun you'll have!"

I said a quick 'wooh' sarcastically, as my mom just rolled her eyes, zipping the suitcase shut.

"Now sweetie, remember to use lots of sunscreen and remember; no frickle frackling over there. There might only be girls, but just contain yourself." I made a look of disgust at the fact that my mom said that.

"Alright, alright, alright... I know everything."


"Ooh honey, aren't you just excited?!" My mom asked yet again for the fifth time during this ride, but luckily we arrived this time. That was the longest three hour ride ever.

"Yeah... I'm thrilled." I got out of the old truck my mom owned. I looked around the place as my mom went to the trunk to get my suitcase, duffel bag and backpack out. When I saw that she was struggling, I decided to go and help her. I took the suitcase and duffel bag while she took my backpack. We started making our way towards my camp dorm.

"Now remember what we talked about, sweetie-"

"Yeah, I know; always wear sunscreen and be social." I rolled my eyes yet again.

"Yes that, but also remember..." It's like she waited for someone to get close by to hear our conversation, before she said the last part. "No frickle frackling while you're here."

"Oh my god... mom! Don't say that kind of stuff out loud! People can hear us!"I tried walking faster so it wouldn't get more embarrassing than it already was.

My mom and I finally arrived at my camp dorm, it wasn't that far from the parking lot - but it sure felt like it.

"It's so great that you have three other roommates! Now you can definitely start being more social!"

"Yeah, but there won't be a place to 'frickle frackle'." My mom scoffed as she hit me upside the head and gave me a stern look.

"I told you, none of that! So stop joking about it." She said seriously before she changed her whole demeanor and opened the door to my room. I was still shocked from what just happened, but when I heard my mom's tiny squeal I was brought back. I walked into the small dorm to see my mom looking around happily while I just dropped my bags on an empty bed.

"I miss the good old days when I got the chance to go to camp..." She said dreamily but then a voice interrupted.

"Hey there! You must be my other roomie!" A girl with dark brown, nearly black, hair said with a giant smile on her face.

"Yeah... hi." I said awkwardly while giving a small wave. She was beautiful, and I had a feeling we would be really good friends - well after I stopped being awkward.

My mom fake-coughed before giving me a glare, either it was because of my awkwardness or she wanted me to introduce her to my so called new "friend".

"This is my mom..." I trailed off as they greeted each other before I continued; "-and she's leaving now." My mom gasped quietly to herself but when she saw my facial expression she understood.

"Yeah, I was just on my way. Bye sweetie, I love you and I'll miss you! Have a good three months!" She said hugging me and kissing both of my cheeks before squishing them and then leaving. But not before putting my backpack by my other bags.


"So, this is the cafeteria. It's where we eat..." She giggled to herself as she said something quite obvious.

"Eat what?" The girl next to me said while smirking. I laughed at that while Sofia just glared, understanding the dirty joke. Sofia was my roommate who met my mom and the girl who said the dirty joke was Dinah, my other roommate. My third roommate was standing quietly beside me looking around observing everything. That was Hailee, she was cute but not very talkative. Who knew there was someone less social than me...

"And that's the tour!" Sofia finished smiling big, feeling proud of herself.

"So this is your second time at this camp?" Dinah asked while looking around the half empty cafeteria.

"Yeah, and I promise you that it's really fun! You'll love this place by the end of the summer." I sure hope so...

"Everybody to the cafeteria now! There will be a meeting in 5 minutes! Meeting in 5 minutes!" A voice was heard through the speakers around the camp as girls started hurrying inside the cafeteria.

"Come on, we should hurry up if we want to find a place to sit." The four of us walked towards an empty table, that was in the middle of the cafeteria. God, how I hate being sat in the centre of so many people.

The meeting started after a minute or two, and it wasn't really a meeting - more like a greeting to the new girls in camp. Apparently we are assigned jobs, but first we have to fill out a form on what we want to work on. The worst thing is, we didn't get paid for this...

"Fuck this shit, it's a waste of my time if I don't get paid. And who do we work for anyway?" Dinah said while staring angrily at Sofia as if it was her fault.

"Well you'll get to meet more and new people and it's just for the fun of it so you're not bored through this entire camp. And you'll see who you work for when you've gotten a job with others." Dinah just scoffed while shaking her head before she started filling out the form.

"Hey, what are you going to choose?" I heard from beside me, and as I turned my head towards the source I saw Hailee looking down shyly but also having her body turned towards me.

"I think I'm going to go with soccer, what about you?"

"Nice, I might just choose poetry." I didn't know her very well, but the fact that she's choosing poetry actually intrigues me. I like poetry but I'm not that big of a fan, I just think it's very fascinating.

"Oh yeah? I think that's really cool and interesting, good choice!" I sent her a joyful smile because she was acting so shy, but I wanted to break that interior so she'd be comfortable enough around and to even be my friend.

"I've always loved it and I sometimes write my own, you can see them sometime if you'd like." She looked up at me with a small smile as I nodded to show that I wanted to.

"Alright time's up! Hand the forms back now, and we'll be having another meeting to hand back the forms with your jobs tomorrow. So be ready at 9:00 am sharp!"

"Aw crap..."

Well this was a great start.



I hope you liked it enough for me to make it a book! I know Lauren wasn't in this chapter and it's in the Imagines book, but she'll appear soon which you'll read about in the book.

- M

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2018 ⏰

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