The end the Wedding

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Alexander was very happy with the event that was about to happen in his family, his brother was preparing to marry his beloved sister-in-law Rosmargaret; these were very kindly times for Alejandro and the younger ones were already studying in private schools, Dona Estefania was devoting herself completely to the total care of the new house that Alejandro had bought them. All costed by the office that he installed next to his best friend of classes Hector; a young dreamer like the one who came from a very wealthy family.

Rosmargaret left behind his past with his aunt Josefa and Daniel, found his north in a humble family but full of many dreams and of an incredible desire.

He had the joy of teaching during the morning at a high school near where he lived, he was called "The Great Republic of Mexico" and at night he taught English classes to a group of university students.

Augusto got a job in a company dedicated to the marketing and distribution of seeds, very popular for the time. There he dedicated himself to the arduous work of the administration, for there was completely based his new career.

One morning, with the sun in front of the window and looking at Rosmargaret in his sleep.

- Love! He says softly as she wakes up.

"Let's get married next month," he says with a slight smile.

- How are we going to do.

- Well, getting married.

- If it is well, but the preparations!

- Should we have a big party?

- I know, but he's not so rushed.

Both embraced strongly, the love that was there was unique, in fact, the couple was already questioned by many relatives of Rosmargaret because for them, he was not up to it.

It happened that day, the universe conspired for what was said that morning. Alexander had among his patients nothing more and nothing less than the civil commander of the city, he told him of the fervent desire of his brother and sister-in-law to join in marriage; of course the civil chief listen carefully to the questions raised by Alejandro and smiling decides to help them in the adventure.

Alejandro could not get enough of the emotion and that night he came out late from the consultation, he needed urgently to give the good news to the couple. On the way home he stopped to buy some bottles of beer to celebrate the news; who would imagine that there in that place Daniel would be with soldiers also.

- Alexander time without seeing you - says the seller.

- Oh yeah! Victor has been around for a long time.

- Tell me what brings you so happy.

- I'm happy my brother Augusto marries my sister-in-law Rosmargaret.

Immediately Daniel on hearing turns to see it; skillful, but without making the slightest gesture is dedicated to listen to the conversation of Alexander and Victor.

"Yes, as I told you," he repeats.

"My brother Augustus marries Rosmargaret," he repeats again.

Daniel motionlessly beckons the soldiers to enlist to follow that mysterious man as soon as he left that place; I wanted to confirm the suspicion I left that conversation.

Alejandro quickly leaves saying farewell to his old friend, Daniel and the soldiers immediately begin to follow him undetected so as not to raise any suspicion. They reach the place where the couple was located and from a distance without being detected Daniel watches them.

He took note of the address in a paper he kept in his uniform, understanding that the next morning would confirm his suspicion with his wife Josefa. My daughter, as he said, had disappeared leaving only one letter, leaving behind the sumptuous life she was carrying, blinded by the pain and the rage decides to tell Josefa what had happened.

At home Daniel runs and gets into the room where Josefa was.

- You must not believe what just happened! He exclaims.

Josefa stunned Daniel's face, telling her to sit beside him and tell him. At the end of the conversation she breaks down in tears, reproaching herself for the night so importunate as to make him pass to Rosmargaret.

Daniel sees his wife come out and embraces her.

- You must go get her.

- But how?

- The same way you went to the sea.

- She will not understand Daniel.

- He will do it because he loves you like his mother.

- And if you despise me?

- Josefa will find out.

That night was eternal for unfortunate uncles, Josefa scolded at every moment what happened; Daniel, on the other hand, comforted her by giving her strength to go in search of her beloved daughter.

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