Chapter Seven

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Everyone stood around Maggie, looking at Beth.

"We should go." Rick announced. "Maggie needs to rest."

The group exited the room, and filed out into the hallway.

Rick turned to Jesus.

"Have you thought more about my offer?" He asked.

Daryl glanced up, curious.

Jesus took a deep breath, hesitating.

"Yes. I have thought about it, and I think that it's a good idea."

Rick smiled.

"Perfect. You'll be a great addition to Alexandria."

Daryl froze. Oh no. No. He could NOT deal with this prick everyday.

"As a matter of fact, Daryl has a whole house to himself, I'm sure he wouldn't mind sharing a room with you."

Daryl snapped his head up. Rick smirked at him, and before Daryl could object, Jesus smiled and said,

"That would be wonderful, thank you."

Daryl scowled. His good mood from earlier was gone.


The group drove back to Alexandria.

Jesus chattered happily. He turned to Daryl.

"Sleepover buddies! We can have pillow fights even, if you want." He whispered suggestively.

Daryl thought he heard Rick snicker from the front seat.

"Fuck off." He muttered.

Jesus simply grinned.

Daryl heard Michonne whisper something to Rick, and they turned around to look at him and Jesus who sat the back seat.

For fucks sake.


The group arrived safely back to Alexandria. Carol greeted them at the gate, and Daryl felt his scowl immediately melt away when he saw her. Without another word to the group, he went off silently to talk to her.

Jesus watched Daryl walk away with Carol. He felt something like... Jealousy? No, he wasn't jealous of Carol, or the relationship she had with Daryl.

Not at all.

He watched Carol put a hand on Daryl's arm, and Daryl smiled.

Okay. So maybe he was a littleeee jealous.

He wasn't sure exactly why he wanted to get to know Daryl better, but he did.

When Rick suggested that he move in with Daryl, he had wanted to say yes immediately, but he had to at least pretend to think about it.

Well, one thing was for sure, living with Daryl would be interesting.


Daryl left Carol's porch, and walked back to his house.

The first thing he saw when he opened the door was Jesus sitting on the couch, grinning at him.


He groaned internally. He had almost forgotten about Jesus.

"Hello!" Jesus said brightly.

Daryl grunted in response.

"Listen." Jesus started. "I know you're not exactly happy about me staying here, so I got you something."

He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of whisky from behind his back.

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