My Popsicle!

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Dakota's pov

                 A few weeks later I had packed most of my things and gotten into the car to drive to Drake and Josh's house. "Alright honey, so you'll behave yourself right? And you wil do everything that Miss Parker and Mr Nichols ask you to do right?" My mom looked at me from her place in the passenger seat. She was fiddling with her bun, making sure that all off her curly, black locks stayed in the holder. "Yes, Mom, I will behave myself as best I can." I paused as I looked at both my mom and my dad. "I'll miss you guys. When are you coming back?" I asked, picking at the dirt from under my nails. "Well we're not sure yet, but for now it two and a half years." Dad was emotionless as he spoke. He kept his eyes on the road and sighed, "And as soon as we know where we're going, we'll send you the address." Dad's voice quivered the slightest bit as he finished his statement. I looked up at him and smiled. "Okay." The rest of the shortish car ride was silent. We arrived and we went to the door and knocked. Josh, who I met about a month ago, answered the door. "Oh, hey guys! Come on in!" He said, moving aside to let us in. I said a quiet thank you as I moved past him. "I'll go get my Mom and Dad." He said. I nodded and headed straight into the kitchen. Mom grabbed one of my belt loops though, "Where are you going, missy?" She asked with an eyebrow raised. "To the kitchen, for some food. I'm hungry." She pulled me back beside her and tried to straighten my clothes and hair out. "You're supposed to behave, Dakota Victoria." I swatted my mom's hand away as Aubrey and Walter came into the foyer. "Hey guys! It's great to see you again!" Aubrey said. She hug all of us and we all went into the living room to sit. "Ok, so, her room is all ready, it's the guest room right across from Drake and Josh's room, and Meghan is especially excited about Dakota moving in. She's always wanted an older sister!" We all laugh and continue to discuss my living situation. As the conversation gradually turns away from the subject of me, as it was bound to do, I headed to the kitchen. They didn't even notice me leave! I swear when parents start talking, it's like they get sucked into some kind of vortex of conversation. I think about what this kind of vortex would look like as I browse through the fridge. I grab some chocolate popsicles that I know are probably Meghan's. "Maybe I'll blame it on Josh" I say as I take one of the two left in the box. "What are we blaming Josh for?" I hear someone say from the door of the kitchen. I turn around, but I already know who it is. Drake comes in and sits at the table. "Oh I took one of Meghan's popsicles. And there's only one left, so I'm gonna blame Josh." I answer his previous question as I open my popsicle and take a lick. Mmm chocolaty goodness. "Good plan. I do that all the time. It's so great to have someone to blame!" Drake says as he stands and steals my popsicle. "Hey! That's mine!" I reach out to grab it, but he holds me back by leaning on my shoulder. "Well, it's delicious." He says with a smirk as he takes a lick himself. "Stoooooop! Gimme my chocolate!" I keep reaching for it as he keeps eating it. "No it's mine now. get another one." He takes a bite out of it this time. "If I do that there'll be none left for Meghan!" I strain once more before straightening. Drake almost falls, seeing as he was leaning most of his weight on me. He straightens and gives me a questioning look as he continues to eat my chocolate. "I'll cry." I say very seriously. His eyes widened and he took the popsicle away from his mouth. "No." He looked at the chocolate then at me. I nodded and started to make myself tear up. "Kota, No! Stop it!" He basically demanded me to stop crying but I let the fake tears fall. "Ok, ok, fine! I'll give the popsicle back just stop crying!" He exclaims as he shoves the chocolaty goodness toward me. "Thanks, hun!" I say happily. I wipe my 'tears' and finish off the melting delicacy. He glares at me and I smile. He stands up and says, "Wanna go to my room?" I'm about to answer when I heard my parents call me from the living room. "I think I'd better say goodbye and get my stuff from my car." I say as I leave through the swinging door.

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