Psychological Warfare

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Drake's pov
I had never really seen Dakota cry before. Well, except for once when she fell out of a tree and landed on her back. But that was when we were like six. As she cried here in front of the door I gave her a hug. She cried into my chest as I rubbed her back, my parents went to their room and on the way they patted Kota's shoulder. "It'll be alright, sweetie." My mom said as she walked passed. Dad nodded to me as the both disappeared into their room. "It's gonna be alright, Kota. You'll be okay." I say trying to calm her cries. She sniffed and rubbed her eyes, she pulled away from me and opened her mouth to speak. "I-I'm gonna go to my room. I'll get my bags later." She said as she walked past me and up the stairs. I let her be and figured she'd feel better after some alone time. I decided to sit on the couch and watch TV, since my band mates would be here soon anyway.It had been a while since I sat down and started watching some random show, when Meghan came up and changed the channel. "Hey I was watching that!" I complain as I sit up from my slumped position. "And now I'm watching this." She says as she continues to watch her dumb show. "Whatever, I'll just go upstairs." I say as I move to get up, "Okay, and I'll just pretend to care." Meghan smiled as she spoke. I glared at the back of her head as I went upstairs and into mine and Josh's room. He was messing with some wooden contraption, but I didn't ask what it was. I grabbed my guitar and climbed onto my bed. I was just strumming random chords, until Josh started using a loud power tool. "Josh!" I yelled trying to get him to stop, he ignored me, "Josh!" I said again as I put my guitar down. I got off my bed and walked to stand beside him. He continued to do whatever he was doing, so I decided to unplug his saw thingy. He realized it wasn't working and banged it against his hand. I ripped out his earplugs and he flinched in pain. "Josh!"

Dakota's pov

I was laying on my new bed attempting to take a nap, when I heard shouting coming from across the hall in Drake and Josh's room. Maybe hanging out with them will help me feel better. So I get up to investigate the yelling. I knocked on their door but it seemed as if no one heard me, so I just walked in. I was instantly confused. Josh was caressing a wooden catapult while Drake was glaring at him. "Umm, what is going on here?" I asked as I came down the stairs. Both Josh and Drake whipped their heads to face me and Josh answered first, "Drake is complaining about my amazing catapult, that when finished, will be able to throw object a distance of fifty feet, FIFTY!" I kind of stopped paying attention to their little squabble. That is until one of them launched something right passed my ear. I look at the both of them, "You both just love to try to kill me don't you?" I say with a playful glare. They both shrug, and Josh comes over to me. "So how are you doing so far? Do you like your room? Is your mattress soft enough? Is you-" I cut him off with a laugh, "It's great Josh, I'm sure I'm gonna love it here." I say. And I mean it, once the feeling of missing mom and dad dies down I'll enjoy my time a lot more though. "Anyway can't you work on that somewhere else?" Drake basically whines at Josh as he gestures to the catapult. "No, but I guess I could take a break." Josh said as he took off his safety glasses and placed all of his tools on the table. I was starting to get hungry so I decided to leave those two alone and go to the kitchen. " Where are you going?" Drake asked as I opened the door to leave, "The kitchen, to make food." I say in a 'duh' tone. He nods. "Could you make some for us?" Josh asks smiling hopefully. Ugh more work! "Fine." I grumble as I practically stomp downstairs. When i get down there, I see Meaghan sitting in the living room watching some show. "Hey Nutmeg" I say as I walk passed. "Sup Dagoata" I roll my eyes and head into the kitchen. I grab a pan out of the cabinet and pull some Ground beef out of the fridge. I start cooking it and grab the croissant roll dough. "Hey, what are you making?" Meaghan asks from over the counter. "Empanadas" I say as I cut up some peppers I found in the fridge. "What are those?" Meaghan comes into the kitchen and sits at on the counter, near the sink, as I cook. "They're basically meat and peppers and seasoning stuffed into a breading or dough and then either fried or baked. I'm baking these." I explained as I throw the chopped up peppers in with the browning meat. "Oh. Are you making them for the boobs?" She asked. I laughed, "Well, they will eat some, so yeah." She suddenly had a evil smirk on her face. "What? What are you thinking of doing?" I asked her as I rolled out the dough. "Well what if one of the boys Empanadas wasn't the same as the others." She went into the fridge and pulled out a bottle of 100% pain. I was shocked that she had that, considering that I'm pretty sure there's an age limit to those things and you have to sign a waver. This would be a disaster. "Okay maybe not that. How about we go for psychological warfare." I say as I turn back around and put the meat into the dough. "Okay. I can save this for another time. So what do you have in mind." She said as she closed the fridge. "Well we could just tell them that you helped me, and that you even helped roll the dough. That will make them think that you added something to the food." I said as I finished stuffing the dough, and placed the tray into the oven. "That's good! Then I get to watch them squirm." She said as she glared happily at the kitchen table. She then skipped out and yelled over her shoulder, "Call me when they come down to eat!"

Hello I just wanna say, If you haven't you should definitely look up Empanadas and make them because they are delicious! And I know that they probably didn't have 100% Pain back then, but i needed something that she could have added to the food and couldn't think of anything. Hope you enjoyed!

-A Traveler

P.S. I don't know all of the dialogue word-for-word, so if I got something wrong, please remember that this is just a story and I am just a person. Thanks!

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