🎙️chapter 11🎙️

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I was in the car with like on the way to the 1st interview. Luke said i would wear whatever I want, so I was wearing black trainers, socks, black ripped skinny jeans, black crop Top ( with my abs showing off) and a black leather jacket and make up.
Luke: ready for the first interview?
Brianna: yeah, but its going to be boring
Luke: the other two won't be.
Brianna: well duh

The interview with h3h3 productions was so boring but I kept it cool. I then did the interview with Caspar Lee and it was so fun. I never realized how funny he can be.
The next interview was with Joe Sugg, I was really excited for this one, Luke could even see how excited I was. Luke pulled over, we had arrived.
Luke: Will you be fine going in on your own??
Brianna: yeah, i know where i'm going
Luke: go on then, go have some fun.
I got out the car and into the hotel, I told the receptionist where I was going and she was totally cool with it.

I knocked on the hotel room door that Joe was on, I was a little nervous, Joe opened the door and looked excited, he is also Vlogging at the same time.
Joe Sugg: Hey Brianna!
Brianna: hey Joe.
We high-fived and he told me to come in and take a seat while he finished his vlog. After that he got everything ready
Joe Sugg: you ready?
Brianna: hell yeah, lets do this!
Joe laughed, he showed me where to sit, the cameras where rolling and Joe did his intro for the video
Joe Sugg: hey guys, Thatcher Joe here, today I'm doing an interview with Brianna!

The interview was very hard, but I answered all his questions the best I could, we had fun though. Joe was showing me out.
Joe Sugg: thank you so much for doing that interview with me.
Brianna: no worries, i had fun.
Joe Sugg: same, we should make collab videos more often
Brianna: good idea, I'll speak to my manager.
Joe Sugg: sweet, see you later Brianna.
Brianna: yeah see you later Joe

Hi! Sorry that this chapter is short but I am spending a lot of time editing these.

-kayla xx

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