05 | the peak

25 5 1

Just do it. Tell her.


Or you'll regret it, lyh.

He straightened the cuffs of his white shirt. Today was concert day. All the practices they had gone through so far . . . it was all leading up to this. This moment. This moment where they would perform in front of a hall of hundred, the moment where the strings of his cello would hum to the tune of her violin, and the entire orchestra would rise up like the bow of a ship on a stormy wave . . .

This moment.

This was it.

Today was the day.

Just do it, lyh.

Just do it.

He breathed in and walked out of the dressing room. She was already freaking out during their last rehearsal, stage fright rising up in her like bile after a bad meal. When he walked past her an hour earlier she had been chewing on a bar of chocolate like her life depended on it, and he had told her to be calm. You'll be fine. We'll be fine

It was only the second time they had spoke. The first time was when she had come over to ask something about the music notes in her score sheet, which she didn't understood. He had taught her, playing a few notes to show her how the melody went. She learned quick, and picked it up after only a few tries. She had a happy smile when she finally got it. He tried not to show his disappointment.

When she heard him telling her to calm down she had looked back at him, startled. And then she had smiled, and at that moment he wondered why the world still needed another sun.

Now he saw her, talking with the other members of her violin chamber from nineteen to dozen, running over the score sheet and second-guessing the notes, checking each other's violins and tuning the strings. He froze. His heart told him to move forward but his legs had gone deaf.

Cello. His cello. He hadn't tuned it. Well actually he had, but it might still be out of tune. It probably wasn't, since he had checked it three times, but it might be, even though it probably wasn't and he knew it too. Still. Chances might glitch. He should really checked his instrument again.

Perhaps after the concert then.

After the concert, when he would tell her.

Just do it, lyh.

Just do it.

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