Chapter 3: Mate

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Blake and I walked into the room, where I'm assuming the Alpha and Luna stood. I looked for were the smell that I loved so much was coming from but, only to find out it was coming from the werewolf I hated so much, Jimmy.
I stood there in shock, how could I be mate to someone so mean and rude. I knew what mates were because Nora explained it to me when I thought I would die without having a mate in my life to love and now my thoughts were confirmed.

"Mate..." I heard Jimmy whisper and everyone turned to look at him with wide eyes "Oh hell no! I don't want to be mated to that bitch!" Jimmy yelled. I couldn't help but feel hurt I mean he was my mate after all how could it not affect me. Jimmy stormed out of the room leaving everyone in shocked and me in tears.

"Oh honey, don't let that get to you I'm sure he'll come around," The lady who I'm assuming is the Luna told me while giving me a hug.

"I'm going to have word with that boy," The Alpha said and walked out of the room in search for Jimmy.

"I'm so sorry Nicole, I should've never brought you here," Blake walked up behind me to give me a hug as well.

"It's fine I would've know sooner or later, he goes to our school after all,"I wiped my tears away, crap I hope I didn't smudge my make-up. "Is there a bathroom somewhere?"

"Yeah, let me help you find it," Blake led me out of the room and to the bathroom which was a couple doors down from the room we where in. "I'll be waiting out here for you,"

I nodded my head and walked into the bathroom. I walked to the mirror and indeed my make-up was smudged. My eyes were puffy and red. I turned on the sink faucet, water rushed out of it I splashed some water on my face and tried taking off my eyeliner and mascara,

"why couldn't I just have been mated to someone who actually cared about me?" I whispered to myself, I looked up into the mirror and stared at myself.

"Just look at yourself Nicole... why would anyone want to be with you," I felt tears pouring out my eyes, I hate myself, I hate my stupid brown curly hair, my dumb brown eyes, I hate everything about me.

knock, knock, knock

"Come in," I told whoever was knocking and quickly wiped my tears away. I seriously hope it wasn't Jimmy because I don't know how much pain I can take.

"Hey," Blake came walking in "Don't listen to Jimmy he can be a total ass sometimes but I promise you he'll come around. I know at school he treats me like a piece of shit but, he's actually a really nice guy, at school he acts like an ass but, here he is really nice he even takes care of the pups,"

I giggled "I'm sorry but, I don't believe one word you just said about him,"

He shrugged "It's understandable," He smiled " didn't even meet my parents there the Beta's of this pack, let's go see them," He walked out of the door and I followed behind him.

On our way to where Blake's parents where located we passed one door and I can hear Jimmy and his Dad arguing. I didn't care enough to actually listen to what they were talking about.

"We're here," Blake opened the door we stood in front of, inside man and woman laughing, I assumed these are Blake's. His parents look happy and in love with one another, I realized that was something I would never have, I would never be loved, never have kids, and it would never be with my mate, Jimmy.

"Mom, Dad, this is Nicole," Blake said to his parents to get their  attention. The lady looked at me with wide eyes and so did her mate, oh no do I have something on my face.

"Alissa..." the lady whispered. I looked behind me to see who she was talking to but, when I looked there was no one there. The lady's eyes started to tear. "I can't believe it's you I thought I lost you forever,"

"Umm...I'm sorry but do I know you?" The lady face filled with pain, her mate came up behind her and gave her a hug.

" don't but, you were just a baby there's no way you can remember what your Mother looks like," My eyes widen, I stood in shock. I found my Mother, oh no, that only meant  that Blake was my brother.

I turned around to look at Blake he was smiling at me."Surprise," Oh so he knew and didn't tell me this whole time, I guess the necklace he got me wasn't the surprise.

There is no way you can reject the thought of this woman being my Mother. It was like looking in the mirror, we look so much alike it's almost scary, you can easily mistake her for me or vise versa we were like twins who have the same Mother same Father. Instead, this woman is my Mother and the man next to her is my Father.

I didn't know what to say to this lady there was so many thoughts running through my mind about this woman who claimed to be my Mother, the only thing I actually managed to say was,  "Why did you leave me in the forest?"

The lady cried even more a small sob escaped from her mouth but, she quickly bit down on her lip to stop anymore sobs, as soon as she was calm she told me what happened. "I'm so sorry I left you there but, I needed to because rogues were after you and they claimed they would kill the entire pack if they didn't have you. To this day, The Alpha doesn't exactly know why they wanted you, no one does. In order for you to be safe I asked a witch if she could lessen your scent just for a little while until the rogues go away, after the witch did what I asked, I gave you away to my friend Lucy Banks,"

I froze, I've been told a lie ever since I was little, when I thought  I was found in a forest, I was actually deliberately given away. I wasn't named Nicole, I was named Alissa. Blake isn't just my friend, he's my brother. The life I'm living in is all a lie and I wasn't aware of it.

I stormed out of the room, I couldn't bare being in there with the woman who gave me away as if I was nothing and what bothers me the most is, if she knew where I lived, why didn't she even come back for me? I don't know where exactly I'm going all I know is that I have to get the hell away from that lady who claims to be my Mother.

Published: October 31, 2017

Word count:1202


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