Chapter 4: Disturbed Peace

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Part of this chapter is in Jimmy's P.O.V before he found out Nicole/Alissa was his mate...
《Jimmy's P.O.V》

I was on my computer playing random games, I'm bored out of my mind. I have nothing to  do today I know that Blake said he was going to bring Nicole to the pack today but that's nothing special. I was just thinking if I should go play with the pups today when I heard someone knocking at my door.

Knock, knock, knock

"Come in," I swear if it's my Dad about some new pack rules, I'll shoot myself. That's all my Dad's seems to be talking about lately, how to enforce the rules we have or making new rules.

"Alpha," it was Blake, I swear that kid could be the most annoying person on Earth but I guess I'm going to have to learn how to deal with it, after all he is my soon to be beta.

"Your parents are in the study waiting for you, you guys are about to meet Nicole," I nodded my head and Blake took that as a signal for him to leave.

I was on my way to the study, when I smelt a scent of chocolate. I hate candy but for some reason this smell was addicting, and I wanted more of it.

I shook my head trying to erase any thoughts of that scent, and walked into the study room.

I nodded my head towards my Mother and my Father and stood in the middle of them.

That same smell of chocolate was becoming even stronger and my wolf (Ace) was jumping with joy.

"Calm yourself" I tried to tell Ace but he just wouldn't listen to me.

"How can I calm down when she is here," what is my psychotic wolf talking about? I swear he can be as annoying as Blake sometimes.

The moment Nicole walked through that door I knew exactly what he was talking about. It was liked the world around us didn't exist and it was just me and her, with that sweet, intoxicating smell of chocolate surrounding me.

"Mate," was all I could manage to whisper.

I had to snap out of this trance she put me in. I shook my head vigorously and said what I knew would hurt her but I had to do it, as selfish as it sounds I did it because I wasn't ready to have a mate.

"Oh hell no! I don't want to be mated to that bitch!" I yelled at her, I knew it hurt her as much as it hurt me the only difference was I was good at hiding it and she wasn't.

I stormed out of the room I couldn't stand looking at her pained face, I wanted to run over to her and tell her how sorry I am but I couldn't, not yet at least. Thoughts of what I just did plagued my mind of how much I just hurt her, how much she hates me right now for it.

I found myself walking inside the library, it was always a place where I felt more at peace. I remember as a child I would come here whenever my Dad yelled at me, and my Mother would always find me and encourage me to come back.

All peace was gone as soon as my Father came in through the library door.

"Jimmy! What was all that about? Why did you do that to your mate? Do you know how much pain she is in right now?" My Father's loud voice echoed throughout the library walls.

"Dad I don't want a mate! I especially don't want her! She means nothing to me and she never will!" Every word that came out of my mouth was like pure acid on my tongue, all of it was lie, I meant none of it. I do want to be with Nicole, she does means everything to me because she is my mate, I'm just to scared to admit it out loud.

"Just know this son, the mate bond will get stronger, and if you don't mark her in time, her heat will come and there's no stopping that," I completely forgot about her heat, the thought of any other unmated werewolf wanting to do things to Nicole fills me with pure anger and jealousy.

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