Chapter 1: Twist In Fate

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I yawn as I turn in yet another report, it's been a few months since the disappearances started and new murder cases started coming up. My name is Pepper Kimberk and I work for the local newspaper, my job is to get a story, write it, get it approved, then publish it. Now unlike some, I only write the truth I don't make random things up to start either drama or to use it to get a real story.

Now back to the disappearances, multiple people have vanished, and some have been found dead. For example, a young 8-year-old girl was found a while back from my knowledge her cause of death is a mystery, all we know was that she was known as Sally Williams. There however were many others before her dating back year. Today was just an average day I finished writing, editing, and turning in different reports it was late at night by the time I finished and many of my co-workers had left for the night, I grabbed my bag and walked out the door locking it up behind me.

Once I finished locking up I started walking to the apartment complex which was a good 5-10 minute walk. As I walked I couldn't help but hear footsteps trailing me I would glance back every once in and while to see if I could spot anyone when I saw no one I continued on my way once I reached the apartment complex I walked up the stairs to my apartment I unlocked the door and walked in closing and locking it behind me. I put my bag on the table and walked to my room and as I entered my cat Mika perked his head up and meowed tiredly at me as I lazily walk over to my bed flopping onto the soft mattress I felt him curl up next to me as I felt sleep take over and my eyes slid closed.

I sat bolt up as I heard a loud thud in my apartment I stood up and grabbed my brother's old baseball bat while Mika hopped off the bed and waddled after me and I stepped out of my room holding it tightly. I walked in and out of rooms and turned on every light in the small living space searching for an intruder yet I found nothing only empty rooms and silence. After checking one last time I went back to bed turning off the lights and putting the bat back, I picked up Mika and laid back on the bed, and fell back to sleep not seeing the three figures somehow hiding in my small closet.

The next morning I woke up early and energized I started my coffee and went to get dressed for the day, today was one of the rare days that I got a day off so I wanted to make it last. After getting dressed, I poured my coffee and put on a hat to hide my bad hair day and walked out the door Mika following after me, ears perked and tail held high I dipped down and picked him up as I locked the door behind me and walked down the stairs and started down the street. I was on my way to a peaceful park that had a beautiful yet mysterious forest bordering it.

Once I made it to the park I felt uneasy like something was close...​ that something or someone was watching me. I glanced around and sat on an old park bench under a shady tree I set Mika down next to me so he had the choice to play, I sipped my coffee and sighed as it made me feel warm inside. My peace didn't last long, however. Parents started bringing their children to the park and so I stood up and picked Mika back up and left. The feeling of being watched follows me. I continue walking down the street holding my coffee close sipping from it every once in and while, as I walked I ended up wandering into a not-so-good neighborhood. Once I took notice of my surroundings I instantly was on edge. I continued walking with a straight face ignoring the looks I got. As I walked I heard footsteps behind me so I picked up the pace slightly not wanting to get caught up with anyone who means harm. As I continued walking I heard the footsteps getting closer and faster I sped up my pace to a jog and kept facing forward while holding my small black cat close to me.

The individual following me sped up as I made a sharp right turn down a narrow alleyway, and yes I am aware it's not the smartest thing to do. I sped up more and skidded to a stop and dove behind a dumpster. I was holding my breath one not to be detected and two the stench was awful. I tensed up slightly as footsteps stormed by my hiding spot and down and out of the alley. I sighed in relief and crawled from my spot behind the dumpster and dusted myself off. I then groaned in annoyance realizing I had dropped my coffee while running I looked at Mika and scratched behind his ears, I shake my head and fix my hat while walking out of the alley and back towards the correct street so that I may get home, it may have been my day off but I still have work.

I get back to the street and start walking it doesn't take long and I reach my destination quickly I walk up the steps and pull out my keys and I go to open the door but the door slowly opened. I was shocked I could have sworn that I locked it and if someone did break in my neighbors would have heard them. I cautiously walk into my apartment and close the door behind me so the crook can't slip out. I walk to the kitchen slowly and look around, on edge in fear of where the intruder could be. When I got into the kitchen I saw my fridge ajar and it was a mess everywhere. I set Mika down and walked to my knife drawer and opened it grabbing a small knife and walking around the small living space and checking in every room as I reached my room however I saw that it was the worst of all. The bed was pushed up to the window the sheets on the ground, what shocked me the most was that there was a long scratch mark on my wall and my closet was opened. I growl in anger and storm out of the room back to the kitchen and throw the knife back into the drawer and slammed it shut.

I cross my arms and mumbled to myself before taking off my hat and sitting on my couch and laying down on my back. My eyes shot open as I heard knocking on my door I sat up and look at the time I had slept for a while, I heard the knock on the door again and I sighed as I stood and walked to the door and looked through the peep hole there was no one there so I shrugged it off and walked away till I heard it again I checked, again and again, no one was there so this time I opened the door and looked up and out the walkway and stepped out of my apartment closing the door behind me that's when I felt as if I was being watched but not like when I was at the park this time it was more dangerous and unsettling. I take one more look around and slowly step back into my apartment, I lock the door and go throughout the small living space and turn off all the lights before walking into my room with Mika closely behind and shut the door while locking it and grabbing my brother's bat and go to hide in my closet and when I open it I see a strange looking vile with an odd-looking liquid floating inside. I pick up the vial and went quickly inside to hide in my closet holding the vial in one hand and the bat in the other, I cut my breaths short and quiet and scanned the room from the crack in the closet door. As I waited I heard a light thud confused I realized that the guest room's window has been stuck open, I start to panic thinking to myself what if this, what if that, then one dawned on me that made my blood run cold. 'What if they want to kill me' after that thought passed through my mind my fight or flight kicked in and I held the bat firmly and placed the vial in my pocket.

As I listened I realized that there was more than one set of footsteps, I gulped quietly and shifted getting ready I could sense that Mika was frightened because I could feel him burrow between my feet and start to shake. As I waited the footsteps got closer and closer to my room and I heard the door creak open slowly almost as if they were nervous to enter. "I-i-it's all clear." I could hear the door open fully and saw the shadows of three figures, "perfect, now look for that vile." an almost robotic voice commanded with an annoyed tone. I heard them move things around, "this place is a mess." The most normal voice said. I rolled my eyes thinking, 'Of course, it's a mess'. I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize when the back of one of the individuals was pressed on the closet door leaning their weight on the door, I tensed up and waited. "I think this is a waste of time, how do we know if the girl hadn't come home then went and reported this to the police?" I heard the one with a robotic voice mumble I heard something tic "I-I agree th-th-this could be a waste o-of time!" I heard them start walking to the doorway, I smiled thinking 'Hey I might not get caught' I sighed in relief but covered my mouth quickly.

The footsteps stopped and I could feel them looking at the closet door I heard heavy footsteps approaching the door and held the bat and was ready to hit anyone that opened the door. Suddenly the door was thrown open and Fight or Flight kicked in and I swung the bat as hard as possible.


I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I will publish the second one soon!

Word Count: 1798

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