Chapter 4: HateFul Reunion

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Sinister Smile took a seat by me and stared at me as Mika went and hid behind me. I stared at her and had no real thought of recognizing her. She speaks up "if you're wondering why you can't recall any memory of me it's because I came here after you left." I cleared my throat and scratched my head, "oh that makes sense..."

The room filled with silence and I heard her sigh "look I'm sorry if you feel a bit uneasy around me I have that effect on people... mortals especially." I tensed as she let out a dark laugh. I could feel Mika shaking behind me he didn't seem to be comfortable in her presence, I put on a smile and acted like everything was fine. "It's ok really." She nodded and sighed before speaking silently "You know they've told me stories about how Mika had left and met Zalgo but you left to go get him back but you went missing and everyone thought you were dead till recently." My mind went blank and no words come from my mouth. 'What does she mean?' I thought to myself and she stood to leave. "There is someone waiting to see you so I'll leave you two to it."

She walked away and went to talk to Smile and a cat that looked like smile dog though he didn't seem to want to talk to me. I heard shuffling and saw Smile Dog laying down as loud footstep entered the room when I looked up I want to yell, scream, punch, KILL. I held back the urge and just stared blankly at him, my mind racing with thoughts.

Jeffery Woods my adoptive brother, the same person whom I thought I could trust, but it also the one who killed our parents and Lui. I looked at him blankly and he glared at me his once baby blue eyes were now darker and filled with hate and bloodlust.

We sat there staring at each other glaring, "So you don't remember much huh?" he spoke with a smirk. I could only glare at him. I looked at the all too familiar scars on his pale white face, his eyelids burnt off leaving only charcoal black circles around his eyes, he wore the same hood that he wore that night he killed them. I shuddered and spoke with venom dripping from my words "It is true I don't remember much, but I remember just enough Jeffery." I could see him tense and hissed out through his teeth "What did you call me?" I continued to glare I sat straighter " I think you know what I said Jeffery."

Jeff lunged for me and I rolled off the couch holding Mika close. Jeff glared and pulled out a knife from his pocket, the same knife he used to kill them. I stayed calm.

We had caught the attention of the others and they all looked shocked. Smile dog was standing and looking back and forth to see who he should help. I set Mika next to Smile Dog quickly so he wouldn't get hurt, but by the time I looked back at Jeff was already advancing towards my with knife in hand.

I don't know how but reflexes kicked in and I ducked down and kicked Jeff's legs from under him. I was shocked I have never taken self-defence classes or being in any fights well from what I could remember.

I stepped back and loosened up ready for any other attack. Jeff stood up growling and held his knife tighter and growled, "I see that you still have your reflexes." I gave him a blank stare and just as he went to attack again I went to meet halfway but before either of us could cause anymore damage a tentacle wrapped around us and threw us away from each other.

I slammed into to wall and gasped, I looked to see a very angry Slenderman. I gulp and sighed, "S-Slenderman I can explain-" he cut me off "You don't need to explain, I know what is happening."

I looked down and went limp. I heard Jeff mummer curses under his breathe before hissing out with venom dripping from his words "how do you know what's going on!" I flinched slightly.

Slenderman let out a sigh before placing us onto the ground. "Now that you have met most of the residence living here I will have Sally show you to your room and as for Mika..." I glanced at Mika who looked at me with worry "...I will have Jeffery lead him to where he will be staying." I tensed and looked up about to argue but Jeff beat me to it. "Wait what, why should I do it?!" I nodded my head, "yes I must know as well why you are trusting a boy who just tried to stab my heart out to take my baby fuzz ball to his room!"

I felt as if Slenderman was glaring at us "I can assure you that Jeff will not harm Mika as long as he wishes to live..." I looked down and heard Jeff mumble out a "whatever" before he stomped off, Mika following closely behind.

I couldn't look Slenderman in the face as I felt Sally take my hand and pulled me up the stairs and down a familiar dark hall. Sally was humming slightly as she skipped along with me behind her as we past each room.

She suddenly stopped in front of a black door with white dots that looked like small stars. "This will be your room." Sally spoke smiling, I smiled back. She nodded her head and skipped away down the hall disappearing into the shadows.

I looked back at the door and entered, looking around the walls were red with a tint of orange there was a bed pushed against the wall the black sheets and a white pillow, the bed frame looked like dark oak.

I let out a sigh and walked to the bed before laying down on my back and staring at the ceiling thinking of what was going to happen next, I was going to have to call in sick tomorrow so they don't get suspicious.

As I thought out what would happen tomorrow the door slammed shut causing me to jump and go into a sitting position staring at the door with wide eyes.

I saw a man stand with shadow over his face and the moonlight shined onto his chest revealing a long scarf hanging from his neck, "Hello... Lil sis."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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