Chapter 2: The One Who Ran

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I heard a sickening ‘CRACK!’ as the bat had contact with something, I looked to see who or what I hit and I saw a boy laying on the ground with cracked goggles. I look up at the other two they looked shocked to see that I hit him, one of them with a white mask with feminine features pulled out a gun and aimed it at me while the other in a black ski mask with sewed on red eyes and a frown started walking towards me. I instantly did something I may regret for a while,I pushed the one in the ski mask down and hit the one in the white mask as I attempted to run I heard Mika running towards me and as I stepped over the first boy I felt him grab my ankle causing me to fall. I looked down at him as I pulled one foot up and kicked back at him hitting him in the head and then I attempted to stand and run again but fell and felt that the grip on my ankle had tightened I gasp in pain as I hear a slight crack from the area he was holding.

The pain spread throughout my body and my struggling started to die down more and more till I stopped all together. The room was filled with silence till I heard shuffling then footsteps walking over to me the next thing I knew a booted foot connected with my side and I let out a yelp. I curled up to protect myself and shut my eyes waiting for another blow but it never came I opened my eyes and saw Mika stand in front of me puffed up so much he looked like a dark storm cloud, I tried to tell him to go hide and that I’d find him later but one of the three men kicked him to the side causing him to hit the wall and then fall to the ground, he looked at me and started to cry in pain, my heart shattered as I tried to crawl to him but was kicked once again in the side.

Suddenly a loud ringing filled my ears and my hands flew up to cover my ears, my head started to throb violently and I screamed and screamed till a gloved hand covered my mouth trying to calm me down as I heard shouts but they sounded distant. I then heard a deep and soothing voice “It’s alright my child we will do no harm to you just sleep…” and with that my eyes slowly slid closed and I saw nothing but black and all I heard was silence.

‘Where am I?’ I wondered as I looked around I felt as if I was floating then I heard a small cry nearby it echoed around the darkness I searched frantically for the source till I saw a single orb of light floating I tilted my head in curiosity of what it was, suddenly it started to float toward me and as it did the cries got louder.

When the orb was within reach I stretched out my hand and pulled it close to me I was then filled to the brim with emotions and images they appeared to be memories but none of them were mine though I appeared in them.

The first was of a little girl with ginger red hair and large forest green eyes sitting alone at a table with other small children all looking starved and dirty this memory filled me with sadness and sympathy, next was of the same girl but slightly older with a man with kind blue eyes and blond hair next to a woman with brown hair and green eyes then two boys about her age standing in the background one with brown hair and blue eyes and the other with a slightly lighter shade and brown and green eyes, and all of them smiling and laughing together this memory brought me joy and warmth.

As I felt these emotions I suddenly had a feeling of hate, anger, regret, and revenge the memory was glitchy almost and I only saw tidbits at a time. First I saw the living room filled with darkness and nothing but shadows outside indicating that it was night the I heard sobbing then a scream ripped through the house. The next image was of the bathroom door creaked open and inside was one of the boy and he was staring at the woman as she screamed in fear. The boy had cut a large smile into his face and I heard him say “aren’t I beautiful?” the woman ran into a room and the boy stalked after her. I hadn't noticed till now but the boy was holding a kitchen knife with blood on it from when he had cut the smile into his face.

The woman woke up the man that was in the bed and he sat straight up with a start and looked at his wife confused till he noticed the boy in the doorway. The man stood from the bed and pushed the wife behind him and started yelling at the boy, sadly I couldn’t make out what he was saying suddenly the memory fast forward to the boy walking out of the room with blood soaked clothes I had barely noticed to corpses of the man and woman.

The boy walked to one of the rooms with two bed but one of them was occupied, the boy walked to the one in the other bed and covered their mouth which cause the other boy with light brown hair to wake up, his green eyes filled with horror see his… his… his… brother. I had then names flow into my mind the one with light hair was Lui and the one that had once had dark brown but now raven black was Jeff. Then again if fast forward to Lui lying in bed cut everywhere and bleeding.

Jeff didn’t stop there he made his way to a third room and pushed the door open to find it empty, this was the girl’s room the same girl who was currently running for the police station the girl who shared my name, me… I was running for the police station I had been the one who informed them of what happened whose life went spiraling down, I was the one who lived to see another day.


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