Domestic Happiness

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*two years later*

Sherlock swoops in the door, his Belstaff curtails following behind him. He smirks and wraps his arms around a tired Molly Hooper, who smiles softly and leans back into his chest.

"Hello my sweet pathologist, how was your day" he murmurs into her ear. She places her smaller hands on top of his larger ones which rest on her waist. "Hello, my incredible detective. It was alright. Dinner is almost ready."

"What are we having?" he smiles sweetly as he turns her toward him. "Well...pasta. Spaghetti and sauce" she giggles. "Nothing special". Sherlock nods and kisses her lovingly. "I'll go and freshen up. I love you."

"I love you" Molly grins as she heads back to the small pot on the stove. Sherlock strides up the stairs and hangs up his coat then goes to the bathroom to freshen up before they eat. He looks in the mirror and washes the sweat and dirt off of his face, as the case he solved today took hours and physical strain. As he finishes and tosses the washcloth in the hamper, his eye catches a small object in the waste bin, partially covered by a tissue. Curious, he gently moves it aside. He gapes and it drops back into the bin.

"Molly!!" he rushes out of the bathroom and down the stairs to the kitchen, scooping her up. She squeaks in shock. "Sherlock what the h-!?!?"

"Why didn't you tell me??" he stares at her. 

"Tell you? Tell you wh-..ohhh" 

"Yeah, ohh!" 

"Sherlock, I- I wasn't you'd react. I mean...we're only 25..." She looks up at him with her eyes wide and worried.

"Molly, I love you. Look how far we have come. Look what we have made of ourselves. Look at YOU. You're so strong and smart and beautiful. You've overcome so much and you're just so--mmph"

Molly kisses him soundly and wraps her arms around his neck. Sherlock smiles on her lips and kisses back. I'm happy. I'm so happy...I mean how can I not be happy Molly, you're pregnant! You're going to be a mother! I-I'm going to be a father...oh my god." 

Molly tears up and cups his face. "And you will be the best father in the world. You will be as sweet and caring and protective and amazing as my dad was to me. Yes, I am scared and nervous but I know we can do this. I can do this, with your help."

Sherlock nuzzles her neck and cuddles close. "You go sit. I'll get the food okay my love?" She smiles and ruffles his curls. "Oh alright. Thank You, Sherlock." He sets her down and goes to the kitchen, plating the food. After a nice dinner, he pulls out his violin and creates a beautifully soft melody. Molly dances softly and grins. When he sets the violin back, he holds her hips and nuzzles her nose.

"Sherlockkk..." Molly murmurs softly and kisses his lips teasingly gentle. "Take me..." 

Sherlock strokes her sides and then her jaw. " wonder why you're pregnant." 

"Sherlock!" Molly squeals and slaps his chest playfully. He laughs and scoops her up, stroking her still-flat stomach. "Let's go, mummy." 

Molly grins and laces a hand over his. "Aww...God you're so sweet." Sherlock carries her up the stairs to their bedroom and places her on the bed.

"Hmm sweet, sometimes. Not exactly the word I was going for though. Molly snorts and giggles. "Oh just get over here, sexy." 

He smirks. "Better."   

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