Mother from Hell

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He gets to her house just as she walks into the back door. She does her daily chores quickly and quietly, not knowing whether he mom was home or not until she heard the familiar pounding footsteps down the stairs.

Sherlock waits outside near the door leading into the kitchen and listens.

"Margaret Louise Hooper you took way too long to get home. Where the hell were you last night you little freak?!" Her mother screamed at her

"I'm so very sorry mother I fell asleep after school when I went to sit outside and work on homework and when I woke up it was too dark to come back and I fell asleep I'm so sorry please forgive me." Molly pleaded with her mother but her mother wouldn't compile and smacked Molly onto the floor.

"Stupid girl. I got you a few new friends to play with in the basement today and I hope you'll have fun with them they cost extra so you don't get dinner tonight so c'mon go play." Her mother dragged Molly by her hair to the basement and Molly screamed as she was pushed down the stairs along with 8 rather large and nightmarish brown recluse spiders.

She closed and locked the door and put the key in her pocket before going to the living room to get drunk and watch tv.

Sherlock runs in full force. "MOLLY!!!" he runs as fast as he possibly can and smashes against the old wooden door, breaking it, and he jumps the stairs, catching her just milliseconds before she smashes to the ground, further breaking her ribs.

"Sherlock get out of here now! No ifs ands or buts just go I'll be fine!"

He holds her close. "I am NEVER leaving you."He shudders as a spider crawls on his shoe. He shakes it off and stomps on it, the putrid greenish-red innards glooping onto the ground.

She cries and clings to him "Please just go. She was probably too drunk to notice but she will and she'll be mad but you have to get out of here before she does!"

"I said I'm not leaving." he climbs back up with her in his arms and sets her down. "She wants me then she can have me but she will NOT ever hurt you again. EVER."

She shakes her head stands up and pushes him out the back door. "Dang it Sherlock please just listen to me. It'll be over fast I'll be fine just leave it, it doesn't matter I'm not letting anything happen to you it'll be all my fault and I will NEVER forgive myself." She pushes him out the back door and locks it quickly and pushes a chair against it. "I'm the only one who deserves to be put through it. I'm sorry.." She quickly turns and runs back to the basement and closes the door softly.

Sherlock fiddles with the doorknob before picking the lock and coming in again. Relentless he walks into the living room and smashes her wine bottle, staring at her with an angry glare. "HOW DARE YOU HURT HER!? YOU DISGUST ME!!!"

Her mother looks at him with glazed-over eyes "Who the hell are you talking about?"

"Who the HELL do you think I'm talking about idiot!?!?"

"I don't know boy you tell me."


She cackles and wipes her eyes. "Oh, that's a good one. I don't have a daughter, stupid boy. Worthless slave yes, daughter? Nope."

He clenches his jaw and punches her hard across the face. "Wrong answer bitch."

She staggers backward and holds her face. "Did you just punch me! You don't punch a woman you insipid boy, didn't your mother ever teach you anything??"

"My mother's dead. And I wouldn't talk about being motherly. You are the biggest offender of non-motherly courtesy! "And you aren't a woman. You're a monster."

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