Chapter 9

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Damnnnn it! Corin berdiri di depan pintu office saya!!! Shittt!!

Cepat2 saya berdiri, I could tell from her face, yang dia betul2 terkejut nampak keadaan saya with another girl.

"Co-Corin.." Saya tidak tau kenapa saya tergagap2 panggil dia.

"Sorry Mr Alvis. I didn't know U have a guest. Just want to pass U this circular."

Dia letak satu kertas atas meja then dia cepat2 keluar. Oh damn it!!

"Corin..." Saya panggil dia tapi dia langsung tidak pusing balik. She just left...

"Who was that?"

Ouw great...saya terlupa Rysabelle masih di sebelah saya.

"Er...just one of the staff here."

"Yakah??? U don't lie. I could tell there's something between U and her. What was her name again? Corin?"

"She's just a friend, Rysa."

"Oh really???"

"Ya bah..ko tinguk apa ko buat, sampai staff pun bulih salah faham."

"What? It's not like we were kissing or...making out."

"Jangan main2 bah, Rysa."

"Haha..Ko takut staff nampak or Corin?"

"Come on la Rysa. Do U really want to know who's she?"

"Of course lah."

"She's ur brother's favourite girl."

"What the hell????! U mean, Troy's girlfriend?? I CAN'T believe this. Diorang couple kah? Are they in a serious relationship? Berapa lama sudah diorang sama2? Damn U Troy, he never mention her before."

"Slow down, Rysa. If U want to know, ko pi kacau abang ko. Now, shooo--leave me, banyak kerja sa ni."

"Okayyy..for now sa tidak kacau ko. I'll see U around."

💋 Sempat lagi dia kiss di pipi saya baru dia keluar dari bilik office saya. Haisshhh....Rysabelle2..U never change.



Urghhhh....Kenapa saya balik2 teringat tu perempuan yang sama2 Alvis tadi? Who is she? Girlfriend dia kah? Selama ni saya tidak pernah tau pun pasal personal life Alvis, whether he has a girlfriend or not.

Corin2...Kenapa pula ko mau jeles, you like Alvis tapi dia tidak pernah pun pandang ko. It was just one dinner, then ko terus fikir ko ada harapan dengan dia. Wake up lah Corin!

"Hai Corin."

Erkkkk..the girl from Alvis's room.

"H-Hai miss."

"Hmmm are U Mr Troy punya secretary?"

"Yes miss. What can I help U?"

"Nothing. Mr Troy ada?"

"Ada...let me--"

"'s ok. Biar sa masuk sendiri." Bilang dia sambil senyum2.

Dia ketuk2 pintu bilik Troy terus dia masuk. Kununlah ni saya cuba mau dengar conversation diorang tapi tidak jelas pula, cuma dengar diorang ketawa2.

Tiba2 Troy interkom suruh saya masuk office dia. Dup dap dup dap jantung saya masuk bilik dia bah.

"Yes, Mr Troy." Bilang saya.

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