Miss Muffet

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No one got much sleep that night out of fear and sadness. Kurt shared Mercedes' bed and the pair cried themselves to sleep.

Tina stayed up all night; still in a state of shock.

Brittany and Santana talked for a while before falling asleep, unaware that by the time morning came one of them would be dead.


"How did everyone sleep?" Will asked, as the Glee kids began to leave their cabins.

It was clear from their tired, depressed expressions that none of them had slept for any more than three hours.

"We didn't really sleep much" Rachel said, gloomily. The others nodded in agreement.

"Where are Santana and Brittany?" Will questioned.

"They haven't got up yet" Emma replied, glancing to the girl's cabin.

Will went over to it and banged on the door.

"Girls are you ok in there?" he shouted. There was no reply. Will peered through the window.

"I can't see anything. I'm going to have to go in" He opened the door which revealed two empty beds. Will's heart beat raced.

"They're gone."


"Santana! Brittany" Quinn called as her and Puck walked through the forest, searching for the girls.

"I hope Santana's ok. I accused her of being a suspect yesterday" Puck said, feeling ashamed.

"We're all suspects, Puck. Don't feel bad about it, I hope they're both ok"

"Do you think it's going to be like this every day?"

"Like what?"

"We wake up, someone's missing, we look around for a bit and find a dead body."

"Don't say that Puck" Quinn responded, trying not to cry.

The pair heard an unexpected noise which rendered them to stop suddenly.

"What was that?" Quinn whispered.

"It sounds like crying". Puck said glancing around the forest

They ran to find the source of the noise and halted abruptly when they found it.

In front of them, Santana sat crying, staring over the dead body of Brittany.

Quinn put her hand over her mouth and gasped.

"What's - happened?" Puck stammered, and it was only then did Santana realise that they were there.

She turned to face them, tears rolling down her eyes.

"I – I found her this morning when I-" Santana stopped, unable to continue.

Quinn sat down and put her arm around her.

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