The Arrival to Camp Lost Creek

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"Guys, why do you look so miserable? This week's going to be awesome" Will Schuester beamed, staring into the less-than-enthusiastic faces of his Glee club. Emma was the only one to share his optimism.

"I couldn't agree more, we're going to have so much fun." Emma said

"How?" Puck moaned, gritting his teeth. "There's nothing to do here. No internet, no TV, no Xbox, no cell phone signal."

"And this weather completely disagrees with my complexion" Kurt added, shaking his head disapprovingly.

"We have each other, we can have fun. This is a treat for you guys for doing so well at Sectionals; try and enjoy yourselves" Will replied

"Mr and Mrs. Schuesters' right guys" Rachel began, stepping forward so all eyes were on her, trying not laugh at the faces of Ms. Pillsbury and Mr. Schue "We all deserve this; this hump of clunk place, the ugly water that's uglier than Santana's personality, and the bedbug infested cabins." She flashed her famous fake smile as everyone just giggled

"Because we lost Regionals last year" she turned serious making everyone stop giggling

"It was because yours and the jolly green giants stupid duet that made everyone cringe so badly." Santana stated, bored. Rachel was about to reply before being cut off by Mercedes

"I would have liked to spend the last two weeks of my break in a hotel, with a pool, and a spa, and a beach; not in the middle of nowhere." Mercedes said. Kurt nodded in agreement, trying to avoid an argument as Rachel sat down beside Finn

Unfulfilled summer dreams turned into a harsh grey reality as they all looked out at the approaching boat in the vast, murky lake. The boat drew nearer, ready to take them to Lost Creek Island. The intense fog, however, concealed the island from their view.

Finally the boat pulled in, and a short, old bearded man jumped off, grinning. "Hey kids" He started in a gravelly, but friendly voice "I'm Dan, and I'll be taking you to the Island, so jump in"

"He's hot" Brittany whispered to Santana, who responded with an expression of repulsion.

One by one the Glee kids piled onto the small boat, interjected by Emma's constant repetition of "mind the step" and "be careful".

Puck held a pregnant Quinn's hand as she stepped on. Finn glared at them, still slightly hurt from the revelations of last term, Rachel grabbed his hand and pulled him on as Finn smiled

Lastly Tina wheeled a slightly embarrassed Artie on across a ramp in his wheelchair.


After half an hour the boat pulled into the Island which emerged through the foggy haze.

As Will, Emma and the Glee kids got off the boat, Brittany gave her cell phone number to Dan, winking at him. Dan accepted the phone number, feeling puzzled; I'm old enough to be her great grandfather.

A small wooden hut came into view, upon the roof a green flag which read "Camp Lost Creek" blew gently in the calm wind. A chubby, jolly man wearing glasses came out, accompanied by a smaller, much thinner, mousy brown haired woman.

"I'm Alan, I'm the camp manager here, and this is my wife Andrea. Pleased to meet you all." He said happily, shaking hands with Will and Emma. "Now here's a map to your cabins; they aren't too hard to find, and if you need anything feel free to pop in. We're always here and happy to help"

Andrea stepped forward "I'm going to be taking a group photograph of you, for the memories" she said, smiling sweetly "and you can purchase it if you like, as a little gift to remember all the fun times you had at Lost Creek Island". Puck rolled his eyes. Matt just snickered along with Rachel.

"That sounds great" Will replied enthusiastically, and beckoned the gang to assemble themselves into height order, preparing for the photograph. They stood in front of the forest, smiling.

"Say cheese" grinned Andrea. After clicking a couple of shots, she went into the hut for Alan to print the photograph. She ran out a couple of minutes later, shaking.

"Hey, what's wrong Andrea?" asked Finn concernedly.

"Its Alan" she quivered "he just, he - I don't know what came over him. He's fainted. He was just looking at the photograph and the next minute he's on the floor. He - looked as though he'd seen a ghost."

"Is this place haunted?" Brittany asked seriously. Mike and Finn looked scared. Tina shuddered.

"No, of course not my dears" Andrea reassured them, still shaken "It was just something about that photograph that made him drop, I'm sure it was nothing."

"Emma, why don't you take the kids to the cabin, and I'll stay here for a bit and make sure that Alan's ok" Will said.

Emma nodded and led the kids through the dark forest to the cabins.


"What do you think all that was about?" Rachel asked as the gang trudged through the forest.

"He probably saw your face and passed out" Santana snickered along with everyone else. Rachel slapped her arm

"Or he saw yours" Rachel replied, laughing mockingly

"I'm kidding Berry" Santana replied, still laughing

"Now girls, calm down. This is not the time for harsh comments or a cat fight" Emma said.

After ten minutes of walking, they approached a clearing which revealed eight wooden cabins; their temporary home for the week.

Or forever...


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