Dear readers,
Thank you for choosing to read my short story, THE PLACE NATURE
FORGOT. I hope you enjoy reading it and I also hope that it leaves an
impact. And by impact I don't really mean a "lesson" because this story
is actually a bit lesson-less. It does have one lesson, and you'll find
out what it is in the last chapter. By impact I meant that it'll leave
that heavy heart feeling, you know?Now get reading, enjoy, and don't forget to vote! Constructive criticism
is very much appreciated!With love,
Kashmir Dollar.
❝ the place nature forgot ❞
Short Story. ❝ She sits on her uncomfortable bed. Life used to be better than this, but now, her scant possessions litter the floor. The paint is peeling from the white-washed walls. A tear escapes her eye and r...