Chapter 6:3rd Kill/Suzy is in for it

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Sorry for the late post...was just stuck is all!
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Warning!:...YOU are included in this chapter.Reader,yes YOU

'Helo sir?'Suzy askd For lyk d hundredth tym and wen dere ws no ansa,she opened d door n stepd in.

Twas nyt nd She had bin knockin on ha boss's door bt dere has been no response...

'its late.mayb E isnt ome.I shld jus drop dis on his table n leave'
Dat ws d tot dt drove ha to open d door n step in

And nw she ws in
And it is dark


'Uhm,d switch,d switch'she tot walkin lyk a blind man whyl feelin d walls for any switch
'ugh finaly!'she sighed as she finaly touchd it n widout wastin anytym,she pressed it

Bed soaked wit blood

Blood stains on d wall


'wat...are...these..'Suzy muttered as ha brain's capability to tink alredi went below zero

she felt sumtin cold touch ha shoulder frm behind
She gasped and turnd bck sharply
And den lettin out a shriek @ d face before ha....she slumpd dwn...spacin out

'Such silky skin tho..'D intruder's voice sed,strokin a fainted Suzy's face....

'Min hyuk where d fuckin hell are u man!'

'home dude,wil b ryt dere in a sec'

'jst hury up neh,d guys ar waitn'yong hwa sed

' eatin.jst giv me a minute and i'll-


Helo?helo?Yong hwa chanted
Watsup.wat did E say.Where is E?D oda CNBlue membas askd
'huh?oh,He sed he's comin'yong hwa ansad stammerin.
E ws dazed.Dazed by d fact dt min hyuk jst hung up d fone on him..

D boys nodded dia heads n went bck 2 exercisin wit dia guitars..

'jst U wait n see if I wont kill U wen U get dere.U'll tel me if dt food u ar eatin z mor important dan ur hyung!'yong hwa tot angrily pocketin his fone and walkin up to d odas...

"But come to tink of it..uri kang min hyuk is nt d type to cut wen tlkin bout food ryt??"

Kang min hyuk stared @ d guy in frnt of im.D guy wu came frm nowhere n interupted his peaceful meal.

And d call wit his hyung.

D guy had ended d call since bt sumhw,hyung's thoughts were stil bein played out...Kill im?oh gosh.E has to xplain tinz to hyung FAST

"Y ar U here AND y'd U tke my fone?!"Min hyuk yells
He is now sure this is quite serious
The intruder just chuckled at him while still keeping a straight face

oh man.Hyuk tot.Dis is gon b a lonng day

Again Y ar U here.U wnt 2 kill me ryt?jst lyk in d movies

D guy in frnt of im chuckled..AGAIN

Truthfully,E ws tryn to act cool in d outsyd bt insyd,E ws alredi peein
'ok,i confess.Pls dnt kil me.I dnt wnt to die'

D guy chuckld


*Beep beep*

tnk God.Tnk God.A distraction.Pls ansa d call n turn or wateva so i can escapppeee'min hyuk cryd in his brain

ITS ONLY A MSG.D guy sed as if readin his mind

oh boi.E reads mind too or wat.....somebody help!!

D intruder's brows furrowed @ d msg on his phone

         HOME EMERGENCY!!!!

*special part*
You,the reader,are a huge fan of Kang min hyuk...and you suddenly pop into the eppie..hoping to rescue your idol
kikikikikiki cheesy right?  ^_^

seems lyk E wldnt b d 1 endin one of hally's funi idols tonyt.
GBAM!!!D door sounded n fell str8 dwn
And den revealed a sweatin (you) runnin in2 d ause lyk flash(Barry as if)

Both d hooded guy and min hyuk lukd eye-wide


holyshit.who are you?

Who am I?I am (your name)
'i am ryt.My min hyuk is in trouble'you tot and den pickin up your sword and mountin evry ounce of power in you,you kickd d door one last tym...

-end of flashback-

'I can smel it!I cn smell iiiittt'you yeld runin in2 d sitin rum
And den stpd abruptly on getin to d dining

L-Lee min ho??you askd,mouth open.You know him.He is a very famous personality in the country.So come??

Yes the intruder is Lee min ho...

Min ho smiled grimly and den lukd past you

His sister was right behind you

Linda?Great U r here.Finish d busines.I nid to b off

You lukd bck @ linda wu ws grinin widely nw

Oppa.shld I finish ha too?Linda ask nodding toward you while lickin ha tongue

No,U can jst compel ha to forget evrytin she's seen.includin my face.U knw i hate it

Yes sir!Linda yeld.Bt wats d emergency she askd as min ho ws bout teleportin away

I DNT KNW.he replied uninterestedly
And den VOOM!E ws gone

'Nw lets get to busines shall we guys?'Linda sed teleportin straight to min hyuk's neck

NO!!you yeld rushin to jerk ha away.Wit weak breath,min hyuk called your name

'(Your name),U ve been a faithful fan.The best infact.I'll forever remember you...Now..*coughh cough* go PLS..and help me tell Hyung i didnt cut d fone on h-

And dere.E dint finish his sentence.
The hungry Linda ws too hungry.
She has suckd im dry.

And wit hot tears,you turnd to flee BUT

'Hey dnt forget.FORGET EVERYTIN'Linda said lukin in2 your eyes.

Slowly,you noded

NOW RUN.linda roared and you fled..
Suzy woke up wit a start.She lukd arnd nd saw white walls and all.she was on a huge bed
Where am i?She askd dazily

"MY ROOM",A voice pretty much min ho's said.....

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