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Yeah I know I deserve eggs to be thrown at me...(Pulling my ear tips) I'm sorry for the long wait sweeties
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"Suzy,wake up"

suzy wakes up and yawns

suzy: oh good morning sir..sorry i slept past my work hour...will prepare ur schedule for d day ryt away

Lee min ho: Just lie down.i am not attending to business today.

Suzy: S-sir


Ha boss had slammed d door
And in d nxt second,she slumped bck on d bed.....deep asleep

A/N: lol i knw u wondering wat is goin on here.shldnt dey be in d cave nw?..so..well let me tel U

Lee min ho standing in a place,lukin quite illuminated.
different beings were gathered round.

But there was one that looked different.one that sat in d middle.One that seemed like the leader.

One WHO IS the leader.
And SHE is questioning lee min ho now..

Woman: How can u bring a non human into the manCave?!

Lmh: Sori master,it was an accident

Woman: Accident??*scoffs*..one that could cost all these people /pointing to d beings that are just lyk lee min ho,gathered arnd/ their lives??!!!

Lmh: /instantly kneeling down/ Do with me what is fit according to the laws.But let the non human go.Pls

At once,the lady erupted into a great fit of laughter

Woman: Yeah.U will be punished by the law.And dat is,No blood for u from number 4

Lmh: U mean i wont kill the no.4 on my list again?at dis point when i need blood?


LMH: /fuck!/..okay master.so what abt my request?

At once,d lady burst out laffin again
Lee min ho lukd up @ ha,strangely,questioningly.

Woman: /yells/ Bring me the scroll!

A sexy male vampire brought something lyk a huge scroll to ha.One that was exactly lyk that of lee min ho

And unveiling it,

Woman: Look at this

Lee min ho's eyes gaped open at the sight before him.He wasnt even looking at all d names.His eyes rested on one particular number.

Number 6

Woman: So u see...i dnt nid to kill ha myself./motioning to the vampire/Take d scroll away

BAE SUZY WAS NUMBER 6....after an actor named Jung il woo....


'Hello.my name is Bae suzy,ur new P.A'

Lmh: Bae suzy..bae suzy...i wonder where av seen dt name before..

End of flashback

Now he knows where he has seen ha name

.... PRESENT DAY....

Lee min ho stopd jst outsyd d door

Fuck!he xclaimed

'she is dere,sleepin soundly....not knowing ha life is in my hands now.yea,i can do dis.Isnt it jst to rip ha head off?yea i can.U can lee min ho,U are THE RIPPER ;>..'

And with dat,he left d presence of ha door......

The lady in the pic is the Ripper's clan master....Master.And a woman.So beware of her....:/ :p :>

Tnx4waiting :*
Tnx4reading :)
#Dora_Shin_hye :D....

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